5 Managing discovery credentials
HP Insight Control for RHEV lets you control which users have access to hosts and subsystems. From the HP Insight Control for RHEV Credentials button, you can list existing user credentials, create new user credentials, or update or delete existing user credentials. Although most of your tasks regarding the creation of credentials are performed during Discovery, you may need to occasionally change or delete credentials.
Instead of navigating to each host individually and using the Discovery wizard, you can use the Credentials Editor to enter credentials for all hosts you are aware of. Discovery will be carried out as a background task, and is not dependent on the host already being managed by
NOTE: If you use the “*” wildcard as Host name, Discovery will not be initiated from the Credentials Editor.
HP Insight Control for RHEV lets you list all of the user credentials for hosts and subsystems.
To list credentials (usernames and encrypted passwords):
•In the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager
The Credentials tab lists the credentials for the following types of hosts:
•Onboard Administrator
•Virtual Connect
Creating user credentials
To create user credentials for access to hosts and/or subsystems:
26 Managing discovery credentials