voltage measurements by scanning, 36 - 37 Programming
channel closure, 16, 33, 64 - 65 error queue, 72
number of scanning cycles, 57 scan mode, 67
scan port, 68 scanning state, 61 settling time, 69 trig out port state, 62 trigger sources, 75
Quick Reference common commands, 77 SCPI commands, 77
Range of Channels, 36 - 37 *RCL, 76
READ Registers, 84 Reader comment sheet, 9
executing commands, 90 for maximum speed, 93
maximum speed using HP E1326B, 93 register addressing, 81
register bit descriptions, 86 register descriptions, 84
Registers addressing, 81 - 82 bit descriptions, 86 descriptions, 84 device type, 85 - 86
direct channel configuration, 85, 89 direct control, 85, 90
ID, 84, 86 offset, 84
operation status, 52, 70 READ, 84
scan channel configuration, 85, 89 scan channel delay, 85, 88
scan control, 85, 88 status, 52, 70 status/control, 85, 87 within A16 address, 82 WRITE, 84
Ribbon Cable, 12
ROUTe: Subsystem, 63 - 69 ROUTe:CLOSe, 63, 91
ROUTe:CLOSe?, 33, 64 ROUTe:OPEN, 64, 91 ROUTe:OPEN?, 33, 65 ROUTe:SCAN, 65 - 66, 91 ROUTe:SCAN:MODE, 67, 92
FRES, 33, 38, 67 NONE, 67 RES, 67 VOLT, 67
ROUTe:SCAN:MODE?, 67 ROUTe:SCAN:PORT, 33, 68, 92
ABUS, 12, 33 - 34, 38, 68, 92 NONE, 32 - 33, 68, 92
ROUTe:SCAN:PORT?, 68 ROUTe:SETTling[:TIME], 69, 92 ROUTe:SETTling[:TIME]?, 69 *RST, 76 - 77
Safety warnings, 6, 17 *SAV, 76
Scan Channel Configuration Register, 85, 89 Scan Channel Delay Register, 85, 88
Scan Complete Bit, 52
Scan Control Register, 85, 88 Scanning
channels, 65
commands used, 45 - 46 continuous cycles, 39, 60 cycles (ARM), 57 multiple cycles, 39 ohms measurements, 38 query state, 61
range of channels, 36 - 37 starting cycle, 61
steps to take, 39 switchbox channels, 45 trigger sources, 45, 47, 74 using "Event In" ports, 49 using "Trig Out" ports, 49 using bus triggers, 75 using external triggers, 75
using scanning voltmeter configuration, 51 using
with downloaded scan list, 41 with external instruments, 45, 48 without downloaded scan list, 40
Scanning List
automatic downloading, 12 downloading, 39, 65 scanning with downloading, 41 scanning without downloading, 40
Scanning Voltmeter analog bus connector, 12