Scanning a Switchbox with a Downloaded Scan List
This example shows a FET switchbox connected to multimeter with the analog bus cable and the digital bus cable. The switchbox and multimeter are separate VXIbus instruments. The multimeter has a secondary address of 03, and the switchbox has a secondary address of 04. The triggering is through the digital bus handshake lines, so the scan list is downloaded. The following program illustrates the procedures:
10 | DIM Rdgs(1:16) | !Dimension array to store readings |
20 | OUTPUT 70903,"*RST,*OPC?" | !Clear the multimeter; *OPC? |
| ensures reset is completed before |
| program continues |
30 | ENTER 70903;A |
40 | OUTPUT 70903;"*CLS" |
50 | OUTPUT 70904;"*RST" | !Reset multiplexer |
60 | OUTPUT 70904;"*CLS" |
70 | OUTPUT 70903;"CONF:VOLT:DC 58.1"!Configure the multimeter | |
80 | OUTPUT 70903;"TRIG:SOUR EXT" | !External trigger source |
90 | OUTPUT 70903;"TRIG:COUN 16" | !Set for 16 triggers |
100 | OUTPUT 70903;"INIT" | !Initialize multimeter, wait for |
| trigger |
110 | OUTPUT 70904;"STAT:OPER:ENAB 256" | |
| !Enable operation complete bit |
120 | OUTPUT 70904;"TRIG:SOUR DBUS"!Digital bus triggers | |
130 | OUTPUT 70904;"SCAN:MODE VOLT"!Configure for voltage | |
140 | OUTPUT 70904;"SCAN:PORT ABUS"!Enables analog bus | |
150 | OUTPUT 70904;"SETT:TIME MAX,(@100)" | |
| !Delay for signal to settle before |
| multiplexer enables channel closed |
| pulse |
160 | OUTPUT 70904;"SCAN (@100:131)"!Enter scan list | |
170 | OUTPUT 70904;"INIT" | !Close first channel |
180 | OUTPUT 70903;"FETC?" | !Multimeter retrieves readings |
| from mainframe memory when |
| scan completes |
190 | ENTER 70903;Rdgs(*) | !Put readings in array |
200 | PRINT Rdgs(*) | |
210 | END |
Chapter 3 | Using the HP E1351A/53A FET Multiplexer Modules 41 |