Multiplexer Commands
The following commands are covered in Chapter 3. For a complete list and description of commands see Chapter 5, “Command Reference” .
Table | |
Command | Description |
ARM:COUNt <number> | Selects number of scanning cycles for a switchbox only. Does not |
| apply to downloaded scan lists. |
INITiate[:IMMediate] | Channel advance for TRIGger:SOURce BUS HOLD. |
INITiate:CONTinuous <mode> | Enables/disables continuous scanning cycles. |
<mode> = 1 0 ON OFF |
[ROUTe:]CLOSe <channel_list> | Closes specified channels. |
[ROUTe:]CLOSe? <channel_list> | Queries mainframe for channel closure. |
[ROUTe:]OPEN <channel_list> | Opens specified channels. |
[ROUTe:]SCAN <channel_list> | Closes all channels in channel list one at a time. Previous channel |
| opens before next channel closes. |
[ROUTe:]SCAN:MODE FRES | Closes paired channel relays (for example, channels 01 and 09) |
| during |
[ROUTe:]SCAN:PORT ABUS | Automatically closes the tree isolation switches. |
TRIGger[:IMMediate] | Channel advance for TRIGger:SOURce BUS HOLD. |
TRIGger:SOURce <source> | Selects the trigger source as EXTernal, |
<source> = EXT BUS DBUS IMM | or IMMediate. |
NOTE: The commands with brackets ([ ]) are implied and are not shown in this chapter.
Chapter 3 | Using the HP E1351A/53A FET Multiplexer Modules 31 |