Immediate Triggering (TRIG:SOUR IMM)
Sets immediate internal triggering. The scan list is automatically advanced through the scan list. Due to the high speed of the FET multiplexer, this mode should be used with consideration for the capability of the multimeter. This is the default trigger mode.
Trigger Hold (TRIG:SOUR HOLD)
Prevents execution of triggers until trigger source is changed. Can use TRIG[:IMM] command to trigger a switchbox set to TRIG:SOUR HOLD.
External Triggering (TRIG:SOUR EXT)
Trigger source is a user supplied input to the Event In BNC. Use a +5V
Handshake Triggering (TRIG:SOUR BUS)
Uses digital bus on faceplate of multiplexer module. Channel Advance and Channel Closed continuously handshake with Voltmeter Ready and Voltmeter Complete until scanning list has completed specified number of cycles.
Advancing Scan (TRIG[:IMM]
This command advances the scan list when in TRIG:SOUR HOLD or TRIG:SOUR BUS. Advances the scan list one channel per command.
Bus Triggering (TRIG:SOUR BUS)
Defines Trigger source as *TRG or
Enabling Trig Out Port (OUTP ON)
Generates a +5V
As an alternative to OUTP ON, the Channel Closed on the digital bus also pulses for each channel closure.
Figure 4-2. Trigger Sources
Chapter 4 | Understanding the HP E1351A/53A FET Multiplexer Modules 47 |