Figure 3-5. Mainframe to Multimeter Connection for Synchronization
Example: Making 2-Wire Ohms Measurements by Scanning
Use the same setup shown in the first program example in this section, except the current source from the multimeter must be connected to the B tree terminal. Change the commands in lines 10 and 40 to the following:
10 OUTPUT 722;"TRIG EXT;OHM" | !Set multimeter to |
40OUTPUT 70914;"SCAN:MODE RES"!Closes the appropriate tree isolation switches
Example: Making 4-Wire Ohms Measurements by Scanning
This command, when used with SCAN:PORT ABUS and SCAN <channel_list> commands, automatically closes the channels defined in the channel list, along with the appropriate tree isolation switches. The current source is superimposed on the channel being measured.
This type of measurement requires a paired channel closure (for example, channels 02 and 10). Use the SCAN:MODE FRES command to automatically close the paired channels to the selected channels defined in the SCAN <channel_list> command. Connect High and Low to a Bank 0 channel and High and Low to the paired channel eight numbers away. Use only one of the channels of the channel pairs in the channel_list. Change the commands in lines 10, 40 and 60 to the following:
10 OUTPUT 722;"TRIG EXT;OHM" | !Set multimeter to |
40OUTPUT 70914;"SCAN:MODE FRES"!Closes the appropriate tree isolation switches
60 OUTPUT 70914;"SCAN (@100:107,200:207)"
38 Using the HP E1351A/53A FET Multiplexer Modules | Chapter 3 |