Comments Isolation. The direct terminals provide a more accurate measurement than the tree terminals or the analog bus connector as the signal does not have to travel through the extra FET switches. The SCAN:PORT NONE command opens the tree isolation switches and isolates the direct terminals from the tree terminals and the analog bus connector.
The default value of SCAN:PORT is NONE for reset and
Closing Channels. The FET multiplexer module only allows one channel per card to be closed at a time, except for SCAN:MODE FRES
The SCAN <channel_list> command allows you to specify a list of channels to be closed sequentially. The FET multiplexer module uses a
Query Open/Closed Channels. The CLOSe? <channel_list> and OPEN? <channel_list> commands determine if the channel(s) in the channel list are open or closed, respectively. (The query command does not determine if, in the event of a hardware failure, the channel remains open/closed.) For example, to determine if channel 109 is closed, execute:
CLOS? (@109)
A response of "1" indicates the channel is closed, and a "0" indicates the channel is open. The reverse is true for the OPEN? <channel_list> command. The response for the OPEN? and CLOSe? commands are:
CLOS? | 1 | = Closed |
| 0 | = Open |
OPEN? | 1 = Open | |
| 0 | = Closed |
To find out which channel on a card is closed, use a channel list for the card.
CLOS? (@100:115)
and enter the response into a string variable. If channel 09 is closed, the response will be:
NOTE: You must read the response after sending a query command or the switchbox will generate an error.
Chapter 3 | Using the HP E1351A/53A FET Multiplexer Modules 33 |