Chapter 4 - Using the Data Processing Feature
Exporting Data
Data Processing Feature
Measurement Export Process
Most simulators make use of space delimiter data files. Space delimited data files were originally established for S- Parameter measurements and are still the standard today. A space delimited file is easily copied and paste into a spreadsheet, word processor or text editor. Microwave Office
and Agilent both use the original “Touchstone” format established by Compact Engineering in the 70’s. This program is a universal data exporter.
It may be used for any properly formatted program variable or disc measurement file.
Use the switches to select which columns of data you would like in your file.
Text File Format
Scalar Complex Complex Complex Complex
(Space Delimited)
Column 1 “Scalar” is a 1D array with real
Columns 2 to 5 are 1D arrays with complex
The colors associate function with switches
NumM Adata Bdata
NumM is the number of measurements in array
VARIABLES: - All variables are single column arrays
Scalar = The first real array toggled by switch 2 to be written to disc A real array used to establish the number of rows for all switches for export
NumM = A real array which contains the number of measurements. Begins at 1 and ends at the number of measurements in steps of 1. Normally you would set Scalar by typing Nnum in the scalar window below the scalar switch.
Adata = Linear power and rotation angle = (P , @ Ang) A column array in complex form Ang = Any and all movement Horiz or Vertical.
LogAdata = 10*Log(Adata) For dB. Does not affect angle.