Adjustment Level
Indicator | Name | Description |
| See Page 19 of Chapter 3 for instructions on how | |
| (At) | to |
| Note: Although the controller is calibrated at |
| the factory, the manufacturer |
| recommends that the unit be Auto- |
| Tuned prior to dryer startup. |
| Temperature Input | This setting is used to offset an error between the |
| Shift Mode (TnS) | set point and the actual temperature. The entire |
| input range is shifted by a set figure |
| preprogrammed by the operator. |
| Proportional Band | This setting controls the amount in which the |
| Mode (P) | manipulated variable (MV) is proportionate to the |
| deviated value or controller error. |
| Integral Time | Setting this feature, gives the control an action that |
| Mode (I) | is proportionate to the time integral of the control |
| error. By using this setting, proportional action is |
| used in combination with integral action to offset |
| the control error and the set point will begin to |
| match the control temperature (PV or process |
| value). |
| Derivative Time | Setting the derivative control provides the |
| Mode (d) | controller with the ability to correct for a future |
| error in the previously set process output. |
Dehumidifying Dryers | Chapter 4: Operation | 29 of 59 |