software by Microsoft contained in any such product recovery
Transfer of Rights in Software. Customer may transfer rights in the software to a third party only as part of the transfer of all rights and only if Customer obtains the prior agreement of the third party to be bound by the terms of this License Agreement. Upon such a transfer, Customer agrees that his/her rights in the software are terminated and that he/she will either destroy his/her copies and adaptations or deliver them to the third party.
Sublicensing and Distribution. Customer may not lease, sublicense the software or distribute copies or adaptations of the software to the public in physical media or by telecommunication without the prior written consent of
Updates And Upgrades. Customer agrees that the software does not include updates and upgrades which may be available from
Export Clause. Customer agrees not to export or
U.S. Government Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause in DFARS
Edition History
Edition 1 | ........................................ November 1997 |
| This manual is printed on recycled paper. |