Addendum to D Class Enterprise Servers System Installation Guide
DC Power Supply
To protect the equipment from overload or short circuits that may cause equipment damage or fire, the power supply is fused internally. For added safety and integrity in the Central Office, the circuit which connects to power supply should be protected with a 30 Amp
DC Power Cable Pin Diagram
1 | 2 | 3 |
4 | 5 | 6 |
7 | 8 | 9 |
| Front |
Safety Grounding Procedures
Connect an earth ground cable to the grounding stud provided on the power supply chassis. Attach the cable to the stud using the lockwasher and nut provided. Preferably use at least a 10 AWG cable with a round eyelet
The computer system should at all times be connected to chassis ground. The stud has been provided near the input power connector for this purpose. Failure to connect an earth ground wire to the ground stud on the computer system will in essence leave the chassis floating, which could be hazardous to an operator because of the potential of electric shock.
Chapter 1 | 23 |