Backup Heater Variables for Space Heating
•The FSV #4021 should be set to “1(On)”(Default) to use
•To compensate the lowered heat pump heating performance under very cold weather conditions, the FSV #4023 should be set to “1(On)”(Default).
-The threshold temperature to use backup heater for cold weather compensation: FSV #4024, Default “0˚C”, Range
-Above the threshold temperature, the backup heater usage is restricted to save energy consumption.
•The FSV #4022 for backup heater priority should be set to “0(both)”(Default) or “1”(backup) to use backup heater. If not(booster heater priority), the backup heater can be operated in case of no booster heater demand.
To use both heaters together at the same time, please check the capacity of the power circuit breaker of your house before.
External Backup Boiler for Space Heating (Field Option)
•The FSV #4031 should be set to “1(Yes)” to use a backup boiler as an additional heat source. By default option(“0(No)), no installation.
•Under the installation of backup boiler in your house, you can freely choose the boiler priority(FSV #4032, Default “0(Off)”).
•To compensate the lowered heat pump heating performance under very cold weather conditions, the backup boiler will be operating instead of heat pump under the threshold temperature(FSV #4033, Default
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