Samsung NA64H3010AS/EG, NA64H3030AS/EG Installing the appliance, DssoldqfhDjdlqvwWkhDshuwxuh

Page 54

installing the appliance

(Stainless steel model)

(Glass model)








appliance upside down and place it on a





cushioned mat.





supervision devices are not damaged in this






2. Apply the sponge provided around the

Bottom view

edge of the appliance.

3. Do not leave a gap in the sealing agent or





overlap the thickness.

The thickness of the sponge is 1.5mm

The thickness of the sponge is 4mm

(A)The width of the sponge is 11mm

(C)The width of the sponge is 10mm

(B)The width of the sponge is 20mm





























3ODFHWKHEUDFNHW % RYHUWKHKROHVWKDWPDWFKWKHVL]H of the screws.There are one set of screw holes in each corner of the hob(H).

Slightly tighten a screw(C) through the bracket(B) so that the bracket is attached to the hob, but so that you can still adjust the position.

2.Carefully turn the hob back over and then gently lower it into the aperture hole that you have cut out.

3.On the underneath of the hob, adjust the brackets into a position that is suitable for your worktop.

Then fully tighten the screws(C) to secure the hob into position.




21_ technical instruction

Image 54
Contents Gaskochfeld Vorwort 19-30 InhaltSicherheitshinweise 6FKDOWHQ6LHGDV/LFKWQLFKWDQInstallation Des Geräts berührenDEJHNKOWKDW PersonensicherheitLH.RFKVWHOOHXQGGHUHQ8PJHEXQJZHUGHQVHKUKHL‰ LHVHV*HUlWPXVVYRQUZDFKVHQHQEHGLHQWZHUGHQWährend des Gebrauchs DXIEHZDKUW ZHUGHQ 6SUKGRVHQVROOHQZlKUHQGGHUHUlWVJHEUDXFKWZHUGHQ Reinigung und Pflege UmweltschutzBeschreibung des Geräts NA64H3010AK/NA64H3000AK NA64H3030AK NA64H3010ASNA64H3010BK Zündkerze BrennerkroneBrennerkörper ThermoelementTopfträger Benutzung des Geräts Halter Schwamm SchraubeDüse Verbindung mit Dichtung XPVLFKQLFKWXYHUEUHQQHQ Minimum stufenlos eingestelltHUQHXWYHUVXFKHQ HLQHPSOWOLFKHQ/XIWXJSicherheit und Energieeinsparung KHUYRUVWHKHQBenutzung des Wok-Topfträgers 7URFNQHQ6LHDOOHVPLWHLQHPVDXEHUHQZHLFKHQ7XFK Reinigung und WartungZHUGHQ 5RVWXYHUPHLGHQQLFKWEORFNLHUWVLQG $UUHWLHUVWLIWHLQLKUHMHZHLOLJHQ $XVVSDUXQJHQSDVVHQGebrauchsanweisungen JHVFKHQNWZHUGHQNQQWHQ Tiefe 490 mm EinbaupositionBreite 560 mm Dicke 30~50 mmEinbau des Geräts DVYHUVRUJXQJDXV7DQNRGHUODVFKH %XWDQ3URSDQ GasanschlussEHLP.XQGHQGLHQVWEHNRPPHQ LQNHOVWFNGHU.RFKSODWWH $EE% Elektrischer Anschluss LHVHV*HUlWPXVVJHHUGHWVHLQWechselstromquelle E Gasänderung Auswechseln der Düse bei den Brennern15,7 kg 8 kg Technische DatenNA64H3010CE Mm x 520 mm x 99mmNA64H3030AK NA64H3030BK NA64H3010BK NA64H3040BS 10,2 kg 10,8 kg 12,4 kg10,1 kW 10,3 kW 10,6 kg 11,8 kg TechnischeNA64H3040AS TR/SK/RO RU/K Z/UKRBrenner Eigenschaften Störungen Fragen Oder Kommentare GriechenlandGas cooktop EnglishPreface ApplianceContents No Access Safety instructionsYour safety is of the utmost importance to Samsung No Fire Tool Must Do5HPRYHDOOSDFNDJLQJEHIRUHXVLQJWKHDSSOLDQFH Child and people safety RQRWDOORZFKLOGUHQWRSOD\QHDURUZLWKWKHDSSOLDQFH7KLVDSSOLDQFHLVGHVLJQHGWREHRSHUDWHGE\DGXOWV 7KHKHDWLQJDQGFRRNLQJVXUIDFHVRI During useHWUDFWRUKRRG  ÀDPHVDQGFDWFK¿UHThis appliance while it is in operaiton ‘ ’ position when not in useNear this appliance QVXUHWKHFRQWURONQREVDUHLQWKHCleaning and service Environmental information1HYHUXVHDEUDVLYHRUFDXVWLF Description of the appliance Top plate Rapid burner Semi-rapid burner Auxiliary burnerSTR UC TIO NS FO R U SE AN D M AIN TE NA NC E Outer Burner lid Burner lidInner Burner lid Flame SpreaderPan support How to use the appliance AccessoriesEHIRUHDWWHPSWLQJWRUHLJQLWHWKHEXUQHU EXUQ\RXUVHOIOHDVWRQHPLQXWH Safety and energy saving advice YESEDUHO\NHHSWKHOLTXLGVLPPHULQJ Usage of Wok Pan Support 7DNHRIIWKH3DQVXSSRUW Cleaning and maintenance8VDEOH 8QXVDEOH U\HYHU\WKLQJZLWKDFOHDQVRIWFORWK85156 Blocked RUGDWDSODWH  Using instructionsDSSOLDQFHDUHFRPSDWLEOH %XUQHUYHUWLFDOO\DOLJQHGZLWKLQMHFWRUQLSSOHDepth 490mm PositioningWidth 560mm Thickness 30~50mmInstalling the appliance DSSOLDQFHDJDLQVWWKHDSHUWXUH7KHJDVLQOHWFRQQHFWLRQ¿WWLQJLVLQFKIHPDOHWKUHDG Gas connectionRWKHUJDVHVPXVWRQO\EHXQGHUWDNHQE\DTXDOL¿HGSHUVRQ PDGHZLWKDÀHLEOHJDVKRVH PDLPXPOHQJWKPHWHUV Electrical connection Green/yellow = Earth Blue = Neutral Brown = Live\PERO Gas conversion KDQJHWKHLQMHFWRURIWKHEXUQHUVEngineers technical data Technical instruction26 Silver Color Cast Iron EnamelStainless Steel 10.2kg10.6kg 11.8kgRU/KA/UKR Burner features 1RPLQDOKHDWLQSXWDQGUDWHVVHHEHORZDWTrouble shooting +RZHYHUVRPHPLQRUSUREOHPVFDQEHUHVROYHGDVIROORZV3UREOHP 3UREDEOHFDXVH 6ROXWLRQ Questions or Comments