Samsung RT59ZBSM1/EUR, RT54ZBTS1/EUR, RT59ZMSW1/EUR manual SEVErE warning signs Warning for using

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The refrigerator should always be plugged into its own individual electrical which has a voltage rating that matched the rating plate.

-This provides the best performance and also prevents overloading house wiring circuits, which could cause a fire hazard from overheated wires.

If the wall socket is loose, do not insert the power


-There is a risk of electric shock of fire.

Connect the power plug in proper position with the cord hanging down.

-If you connect the power plug upside down, wire can get cut off and cause fire or electric shock.

Do not use a cord that shows cracks or abrasion damage along its length or at either end.

If the power cord is damaged, have it replaced immediately by the manufacturer or its service agent.

Do not bend the power cord excessively or place heavy articles on it.

When moving the refrigerator, be careful not to roll over or damage the power cord.

-This constitutes a fire hazard.

Make sure that the power plug is not squashed or damaged by the back of the refrigerator.

If the power cord is damaged, have it replaced immediately by the manufacturer or its service agent.

Keep the packing materials out of reach of children. - There is a risk of death from suffocation if children

put them on their head.

The appliance must be positioned so that the plug is accessible after installation.

Caution signs for CAUTION instaLLation

Keep ventilation opening in the appliance enclosure or mounting structure clear of obstruction.

Allow the appliance to stand for 2 hours after installation.

sEVErE warning signs WARNING for using

Do not insert the power plug with wet hands.

Do not store articles on the top of the appliance. - When you open or close the door, the articles

may fall and cause personal injury and/or material damage.

Do not put a container filled with water on the refrigerator.

-If spilled, there is a risk of fire or electric shock.

Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.

Do not let children hang on the door. If not, a serious injury may occur.

There is a Risk of children entrapment.

Do not let children enter inside of the refrigerator.

Do not touch the inside walls of the freezer or products stored in the freezer with wet hands.

-This may cause frostbite.

Bottles should be stored tightly together so that they do not fall out.

Never put fingers or other objects into the dispenser hole.

-It may cause personal injury or material damage.

Do not store volatile or flammable substances in the refrigerator.

-The storage of benzene, thinner, alcohol, ether, LP gas and other such products may cause explosions.

This product is intended only for the storage of food in a domestic environment.

Do not store pharmaceuticals products, scientific materials or temperature-sensitive products in the refrigerator.

-Products that require strict temperature controls must not be stored in the refrigerator.

Do not place or use electrical appliance inside the refrigerator/freezer, unless they are of a type recommended by the manufacturer.

If you smell pharmaceutical or smoke, pull out power plug immediately and contact your Samsung Electronics service center.

Do not dissemble or repair the refrigerator by yourself.

-You run risk of causing a fire, malfunction and/or personal injury.

If any dust or water is in Refrigerator, pull out power plug and contact your Samsung Electronics service center.

-Otherwise there is a risk of fire.

If gas leak is detected, avoid any naked flames or potential sources of ignition and air the room in which the appliance is standing for several minutes.

Do not use mechanical devices or any other means to accelerate the defrosting process, other than those recommended by the manufacturer.

Do not damage the refrigerant circuit.

Pull the power plug out of the socket before changing the interior lamps of the refrigerator.

-Otherwise, there is a risk of electric shock.

If you experience difficulty when changing the light, contact service agents.

If the products equipped with LED Lamp, do not disassemble Lamp Cover and LED Lamp by yourself.

-Please contact your service agents.

Use only the LED Lamps provided by manufacturer or service agents.

CAUTION Caution signs for using

When the refrigerator got wet by water, pull out the power plug and contact your Samsung Electronics service center.

Allow the appliance to stand for 2 hours after installation.

safety information _03

Image 3 Contents
Refrigerator Other Symbols Used Safety informationSafety Information SEVErE warning signs Warning for instaLLationDo not damage the refrigerant circuit SEVErE warning signs Warning for usingAllow the appliance to stand for 2 hours after installation Do not insert the power plug with wet handsADDitionaL tiPs for ProPEr usagE Saving Energy TipsTo get Best performance of product Setting up your refrigerator ContentsLEVELLing tHE rEfrigErator SEtting uP tHE rEfrigEratorUsing tHE ControL PanEL ELECtroniC ConntroL tyPE OperatingControlling the Fridge Temperature ControLLing tHE tEMPEraturE ELECtroniC ControL tyPEControLLing tHE tEMPEraturE DiaL ControL tyPE Controlling the Freezer TemperatureRemovable ICE Tray Model Using watEr DisPEnsEr oPtionaLMaKing iCE Twist ICE Maker ModelClose the refrigerator door after fitting the water tank REMoVing tHE rEfrigErator aCCEssoriEsREPLaCing tHE intErior LigHt CLEaning tHE rEfrigEratorShown in the diagram For LED lamp, please contact service engineer to replace itTroubleshooting TroubleshootingAmbient Room Temperature Limits Frigider Semne de aVeRTiZaRe AvertiZare SeRioaSĂ pRiVind inSTalaRea Informaţii privind siguranţaInfoRmaţii pRiVind SigURanţa Semne de aVeRTiZaRe AvertiZare SeVeRĂ penTRU eVaCUaReSemne de pReCaUţie pReCaUţie penTRU inSTalaRe Semne de aVeRTiZaRe AvertiZare SeRioaSĂ pRiVind UTiliZaReaSemne de pReCaUţie pReCaUţie pRiVind UTiliZaRea Semne de pReCaUţie pReCaUţie penTRU CURĂţaRe Sugestii suplimentare pentru o utiliZare CoReSpUnZĂToaReSfaturi Pentru Economisirea Energiei Alegerea celui mai bun loc pentru frigider CuprinsInstalarea frigiderului dvs PRegĂTiRea penTRU inSTalaRe a fRigideRUlUiExploatarea OriZontaliZarea frigideruluiInstalarea frigiderului UTiliZaRea panoUlUi de ComandĂ ConTRol Tip eleCTRoniCControlul Temperaturii Frigiderului ConTRolUl TempeRaTURii ConTRol Tip eleCTRoniCControlul temperaturii Tip ConTRol CU CadRan Controlul Temperaturii CongelatoruluiModelul CU Tavă Pentru Gheaţă Detaşabilă PRepaRaRea gHeţiiUTiliZaRea doZaToRUlUi de apĂ opţional Modelul DE Generator DE Gheaţă Prin RăsucireDemontarea aCCesoriilor frigiderului Trăgând înainte după ce Ajuns la jumătatea distanţei CURĂţaRea fRigideRUlUiÎnloCuirea BeCului din interior Legume şi trageţi-l ÎnainteDepanarea DepanareaLimitele de temperatură a mediului înconjurător Хладилник 02 техника на безопасност Техника на безопасностТехника НА Безопасност Други Използвани ЗнациОпасност ПРИ Употреба Sпредупредителни Предупреждение Знаци ЗА СериознаТехника на безопасност Съвети ЗА Пестене НА Енергия Знаци ЗА Внимание ПРИ Внимание ИзползванеЗнаци ЗА Внимание ПРИ Внимание Почистване Допълнителни Съвети ЗА Правилна УпотребаИзбиране на най-доброто място за хладилника СъдържаниеНастройка на хладилника Подготовка ЗА Поставяне НА ХладилникаНастройка НА Хладилника Работа сХладилника Нивелиране НА ХладилникаКонтрол НА Температурата В Хладилника Контрол НА Температурата Електронен КонтролКонтрол НА Температурата С Кръгов Превключвател Контрол НА Температурата ВЪВ ФризераИзползване НА Генератор ЗА Вода Купува СЕ Допълнително Правене НА ЛЕДМодел С Усукваща СЕ Тава ЗА ЛЕД Модел С Изваждаща СЕ Тава ЗА ЛЕДИзваждане НА Аксесоарите ОТ Хладилника Почистване НА Хладилника Смяна НА Вътрешната Лампа10 работа Отстраняване на неизправности Клас за тропичен климат Разширен клас за умерен климатКлас за умерен климат Клас за субтропичен климатFrižider Ostali Korišćeni Znaci Informacije o bezbednostiInfoRmaCije o BeZBednoSTi OZnaKe UpoZoRenja U Upozorenje VeZi Sa inSTalaCijomNe uključujte utikač mokrim rukama OZnaKe opReZa U VeZi Sa Oprez inSTalaCijomOZnaKe UpoZoRenja U Upozorenje VeZi Sa KoRišĆenjem OZnaKe opReZa U VeZi Sa Oprez KoRišĆenjemOZnaKe opReZa U VeZi Sa Oprez čišĆenjem Dodatni saveti Za pravilnu upotreBuSaveti ZA Uštedu Energije Izbor najboljeg mesta za frižider SadržajPostavljanje frižidera PRipRema Za poSTaVljanje fRižideRaKoRišĆenje Komandne TaBle model Sa eleKTRonSKom KonTRolom KorišćenjeNiVeliSanje fRižideRa PoSTaVljanje fRižideRaRegulisanje Temperature Frižidera RegUliSanje TempeRaTURe model Sa eleKTRonSKom KonTRolomRegUliSanje TempeRaTURe model Sa meHaničKom KonTRolom Regulisanje Temperature ZamrzivačaPRaVljenje leda KoRišĆenje apaRaTa Za VodU opCionoModel SA Tacnom ZA LED Koja Može DA SE Vadi Zatvorite vrata frižidera nakon vraćanja posude za vodu UKlanjanje pRiBoRa iZ fRižideRaZamena UnUTRašnjeg SVeTla ČišĆenje fRižideRaMeđutim, to nije nenormalno Rešavanje problemaRešavanje problema Da li je zadnja strana uređaja preblizu zida?Ograničenja u vezi sa temperaturom prostorije Ψυγείο Πληροφοριέσ γιΑ την ΑσφΑλέιΑ Πληροφορίες για την ασφάλειαΜην συνδέετε το καλώδιο παροχής ρεύματος με υγρά χέρια ΈνΔέιΞέισ Προσοχησ σχέτικΑ Προσοχη Μέ την έγκΑτΑστΑσηΈνΔέιΞέισ Προσοχησ Προσοχη σχέτικΑ Μέ τη χρηση ΈνΔέιΞέισ Προσοχησ γιΑ Προσοχη κΑΘΑρισΜοΠροσΘέτέσ συΜΒουλέσ γιΑ σΩστη χρηση τησ συσκέυησ ΠροέτοιΜΑσιΑ έγκΑτΑστΑσησ του ψυγέιου ΠεριεχόμεναΈΞισορροΠηση του ψυγέιου Στρέψτε το αριστερό ρυθμιστικό στήριγμα προς τηνΣτρέψτε το δεξί ρυθμιστικό στήριγμα προς την Έλέγχοσ ΘέρΜοκρΑσιΑσ ΤυΠοσ ηλέκτρονικου έλέγχου Έλέγχοσ ΘέρΜοκρΑσιΑσ τυΠοσ ΑνΑλογικου έλέγχουΕάν πρέπει να καταψύξετε μεγάλη ποσότητα τροφίμων Χρηση του ΔιΑνοΜέΑ νέρου ΠροΑιρέτικο ΠΑρΑγΩγη ΠΑγουΑφΑιρέση τΩν έΞΑρτηΜΑτΩν του ψυγέιου ΑντικΑτΑστΑση του έσΩτέρικου φΩτισΜου ΚΑΘΑρισΜοσ του ψυγέιουΑντιμετώπιση προβλημάτων Σωστή Απόρριψη αυτού του Προϊόντος
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