Allied Air Enterprises A80UH, 80G1UH Planned Service, Failure Codes, Page 36 of, Issue, 506526-01

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The following items should be checked during an annual inspection. Power to the unit must be shut off for the service technician’s safety.

Fresh air grilles and louvers (on the unit and in the room where the furnace is installed) - Must be open and unobstructed to provide combustion air.

Burners - Must be inspected for rust, dirt, or signs of water.

Vent pipe - Must be inspected for signs of water, damaged or sagging pipe, or disconnected joints.

Unit appearance - Must be inspected for rust, dirt, signs of water, burnt or damaged wires, or components.

Blower access panel - Must be properly in place and provide a seal between the return air and the room where the furnace is installed.

Return air duct - Must be properly attached and provide an air seal to the unit.

Operating performance - Unit must be observed during operation to monitor proper performance of the unit and the vent system.

Combustion gases - Flue products must be analyzed and compared to the unit specifications.

Problems detected during the inspection may make it necessary to temporarily shut down the furnace until the items can be repaired or replaced.

Instruct the homeowners to pay attention to their furnace. Situations can arise between annual furnace inspections that may result in unsafe operation. For instance, items innocently stored next to the furnace may obstruct the combustion air supply. This could cause incomplete combustion and the production of carbon monoxide gas.


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Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSA80UH & 80G1UH Warm Air Gas FurnaceA80UH & 80G1UH Unit Dimensions - inches mm FRONT VIEWSIDE VIEW A80UH & 80G1UH 506526-01Safety Information Installed LocationsDANGER A80UH & 80G1UH Gas FurnaceInstalled in Combination with a Cooling Coil Heating Unit Installed Upstream of Cooling UnitTemperature Rise Use of Furnace as a Construction HeaterGeneral Product Contains Fiberglass WoolAllied Air Enterprises, Inc 215 Metropolitan Drive West Columbia, SCUnconfined Space Confined SpaceEquipment in Confined Space - All Air From Inside Figure Air from InsideEQUIPMENT IN CONFINED SPACE Setting Equipment Upflow Application Installation ClearancesUpflow Applications Return Air - Upflow Applications 1800 cfm 850 L/s must have one of the following3.Bottom return air 4.Return air from both sides 5.Bottom and one side return airHorizontal Application Installatioin clearances Removing the Bottom PanelRemoving the Bottom Panel Figure Horizontal ApplicationsHorizontal Application Unit installed on Platform FiltersTable Duct System Supply Air PlenumVenting Mounting Screws Location Figure UPFLOW POSITIONUPFLOW POSITION Figure UPFLOW POSITIONHorizontal Position HORIZONTAL LEFT POSITIONFigure HORIZONTAL LEFT POSITION HORIZONTAL RIGHT POSITIONVenting Using a Masonry Chimney Common Venting Using Metal Lined Masonry ChimneyVent Connection Figure IssueGeneral Venting Requirements Issue Page 17 ofServing a Single Category I Appliance IssuePage 18 of 506526-01Serving a Single Category I Appliance IssuePage 19 of 506526-01Vent Connector Capacity Serving Two or More Category I AppliancesCommon Vent Capacity Serving Two or More Category I AppliancesTable Common Vent Capacity Serving Two or more Category I Appliances TableVent Connector Capacity Serving Two or More Category I AppliancesRemoval of the Furnace from Common Vent CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING HAZARDIssue Page 22 ofGas Piping Gas SupplyGas Pipe Capacity - ft³/hr m³/hr IssuePossible Gas Piping Configurations Figure Horizontal ApplicationsIssue Page 24 ofINTERIOR MAKE-UPBOX INSTALLATION Figure Leak CheckFigure Electrical ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE ESD INTERIOR MAKE-UPBOX INSTALLATION FigureAccessory Terminals Generator Use - Voltage RequirementsThermostat Condensing Unit Thermostat DesignationsWiring Diagram Figure IssuePage 27 of 506526-01Typical Field Wiring Diagram Figure Integrated ControlAutomatic Hot Surface Ignition System FOR YOUR SAFETY READ BEFORE LIGHTING UNIT Unit Start-UPPlacing the Furnace into Operation Gas Valve Operation FigureGas Pressure Adjustment Gas Flow Approximate Heating Sequence Of Operation FigureSupply Pressure Measurement Manifold Pressure MeasurementManifold Pressure Settings and Pressure Switch Other Unit AdjustmentsFlame Rollout Switches Pressure SwitchThermostat Heat Anticipation ElectricalBlower Speeds Electronic IgnitionService ELECTRICAL SHOCK, FIRE OR EXPLOSION HAZARDBlower Flue And ChimneyCleaning the Heat Exchanger and Burners IssuePage 34 of 506526-01Remove 5 Screws If Necessary NOx INSERTS FigurePLANNED SERVICE FAILURE CODESIssue Page 36 ofREPAIR PARTS LIST Cabinet PartsHeating Parts Control PanelSTART-UP& PERFORMANCE CHECK LIST UNIT SET UP IssuePage 38 of 506526-01Issue UNIT OPERATIONPage 39 of 506526-01