Allied Air Enterprises 80G1UH Temperature Rise, Installed in Combination with a Cooling Coil

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Temperature Rise

Temperature Rise

NOTE: Furnace must be adjusted to obtain a temperature rise within the range specified on the unit nameplate. Failure to do so may cause erratic limit operation and may result in premature heat exchanger failure.

This furnace must be installed so that its electrical components are protected from water.

Installed in Combination with a Cooling Coil

When this furnace is used with cooling units, it shall be installed in parallel with, or on the upstream side of, cooling units to avoid condensation in the heating compartment. See Figure 2. With a parallel flow arrangement, a damper (or other means to control the flow of air) must adequately pre-vent chilled air from entering the furnace. If the damper is manually operated, it must be equipped to prevent operation of either the heating or the cooling unit, unless it is in the full HEAT or COOL setting. See Figure 2.

Heating Unit Installed Parallel to Air Handler Unit

Heating Unit Installed Upstream of Cooling Unit

Figure 2

When installed, this furnace must be electrically grounded according to local codes. In addition, in the United States, installation must conform with the current National Electric Code, ANSI/NFPA No. 70. The National Electric Code (ANSI/ NFPA No. 70) is available from the following address:

National Fire Protection Association 1 Battery March Park

Quincy, MA 02269

NOTE: This furnace is designed for a minimum continuous return air temperature of 60° F (16°C) or an intermittent operation down to 55° F (13°C) dry bulb for cases where a night setback thermostat is used. Return air temperature must not exceed 85° F (29°C) dry bulb.

This furnace may be installed in alcoves, closets, attics, basements, garages, and utility rooms in the upflow or horizontal position.

This furnace design has not been CSA certified for installation in mobile homes, recreational vehicles, or outdoors.

Use of Furnace as a Construction Heater

Allied Air does not recommended the use of these units as a construction heater during any phase of construction. Very low return air temperature, harmful vapors and operation of the unit with clogged or misplaced filters will damage the unit.

Units may be used for heating of buildings or structures under construction, if the following conditions are met:

The vent system must be permanently installed per these installation instructions.

A room thermostat must control the furnace. The use of fixed jumpers that will provide continuous heating is not allowed.

The return air duct must be provided and sealed to the furnace.

Return air temperature range between 60°F (16°C) and 80°F (27°C) must be maintained.

Air filters must be installed in the system and must be maintained during construction.

Air filters must be replaced upon construction completion.

The input rate and temperature rise must be set per the furnace rating plate.

One hundred percent (100%) outdoor air must be provided for combustion air requirements during construc-tion. Temporary ducting may supply outdoor air to the furnace. Do not connect duct directly to the furnace. Size the temporary duct following these instructions in section for Combustion, Dilution and Ventilation Air in a confined space with air from outside.

The furnace heat exchanger, components, duct system, air filters and evaporator coils must be thoroughly cleaned following final construction clean-up.

All furnace operating conditions (including ignition, input rate, temperature rise and venting) must be verified according to these installation instructions.


Issue 1031

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Contents INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTSA80UH & 80G1UH Warm Air Gas FurnaceSIDE VIEW A80UH & 80G1UH Unit Dimensions - inches mmFRONT VIEW 506526-01 A80UH & 80G1UHInstalled Locations Safety InformationDANGER A80UH & 80G1UH Gas FurnaceHeating Unit Installed Upstream of Cooling Unit Installed in Combination with a Cooling CoilTemperature Rise Use of Furnace as a Construction HeaterProduct Contains Fiberglass Wool GeneralAllied Air Enterprises, Inc 215 Metropolitan Drive West Columbia, SCConfined Space Unconfined SpaceEquipment in Confined Space - All Air From Inside Figure Air from InsideEQUIPMENT IN CONFINED SPACE Upflow Applications Setting EquipmentUpflow Application Installation Clearances 1800 cfm 850 L/s must have one of the following Return Air - Upflow Applications3.Bottom return air 4.Return air from both sides 5.Bottom and one side return airRemoving the Bottom Panel Horizontal Application Installatioin clearancesRemoving the Bottom Panel Figure Horizontal ApplicationsFilters Horizontal Application Unit installed on PlatformTable Duct System Supply Air PlenumMounting Screws Location Figure UPFLOW POSITION VentingUPFLOW POSITION Figure UPFLOW POSITIONHORIZONTAL LEFT POSITION Horizontal PositionFigure HORIZONTAL LEFT POSITION HORIZONTAL RIGHT POSITIONCommon Venting Using Metal Lined Masonry Chimney Venting Using a Masonry ChimneyVent Connection Figure IssueGeneral Venting Requirements Page 17 of IssueIssue Serving a Single Category I AppliancePage 18 of 506526-01Issue Serving a Single Category I AppliancePage 19 of 506526-01Serving Two or More Category I Appliances Vent Connector CapacityCommon Vent Capacity Serving Two or More Category I AppliancesServing Two or more Category I Appliances Table Table Common Vent CapacityVent Connector Capacity Serving Two or More Category I AppliancesCARBON MONOXIDE POISONING HAZARD Removal of the Furnace from Common VentIssue Page 22 ofGas Supply Gas PipingGas Pipe Capacity - ft³/hr m³/hr IssueFigure Horizontal Applications Possible Gas Piping ConfigurationsIssue Page 24 ofLeak Check INTERIOR MAKE-UPBOX INSTALLATION FigureFigure Electrical ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE ESD INTERIOR MAKE-UPBOX INSTALLATION FigureGenerator Use - Voltage Requirements Accessory TerminalsThermostat Condensing Unit Thermostat DesignationsIssue Wiring Diagram FigurePage 27 of 506526-01Automatic Hot Surface Ignition System Typical Field Wiring Diagram FigureIntegrated Control Unit Start-UP FOR YOUR SAFETY READ BEFORE LIGHTING UNITPlacing the Furnace into Operation Gas Valve Operation FigureHeating Sequence Of Operation Figure Gas Pressure Adjustment Gas Flow ApproximateSupply Pressure Measurement Manifold Pressure MeasurementOther Unit Adjustments Manifold Pressure Settings and Pressure SwitchFlame Rollout Switches Pressure SwitchElectrical Thermostat Heat AnticipationBlower Speeds Electronic IgnitionELECTRICAL SHOCK, FIRE OR EXPLOSION HAZARD ServiceBlower Flue And ChimneyIssue Cleaning the Heat Exchanger and BurnersPage 34 of 506526-01NOx INSERTS Figure Remove 5 Screws If NecessaryFAILURE CODES PLANNED SERVICEIssue Page 36 ofCabinet Parts REPAIR PARTS LISTHeating Parts Control PanelIssue START-UP& PERFORMANCE CHECK LIST UNIT SET UPPage 38 of 506526-01UNIT OPERATION IssuePage 39 of 506526-01