14 InstallationOnly For Qualified Installers
Converting to Natural Gas
“This conversion kit shall be installed by a qualified | Cer equipenent de conversion sera installe par une |
service agency in accordance with the manufacturer’s | agence qualifiee de service conformement aux instruc- |
instructions and all applicable codes and requirements | tions du fabricant et toutes exigencies et codes appli- |
of the authority having jurisdiction. If the information in | cables de l’autorises avoir la jurisdiction. Si l’information |
these instructions is not followed exactly, a fire, explosion | dans cette Instruction n’est pas suivie exactement, un |
or production of carbon monoxide may result causing | feu, explosion ou production de protoxyde de carbone |
property damage, personal injury or loss of life. The | peut resulter le dommages causer de propriete, perte |
qualified service agency is responsible for the proper | ou blessure personnelle de vie. L’agence qualifiee de |
installation of this kit. The installation is not proper and | service est esponsable de l’installation proper de cet |
complete until the operation of the converted appliance | equipement. L’installation n’est pas proper et complete |
is checked as specified in the owner instructions sup- | jusqu’a l’operation de l’appareil converti est cheque |
plied with the kit.” | suivant les criteres etablis dans les instructions de pro- |
| prietaire provisionnees avec l’equipement. |
Burn Only the Fuel for Which the Heater is
This Conversion Kit Shall Be Installed By A
Qualified Service Agency.
The ShadowLight XL Fireplace Insert will burn either natural gas or propane, but requires a change over kit for converting to natural gas.
The label located on the inner stove base must be marked for the type of fuel the unit will use at the time of installation.
Caution: Before proceeding with the conversion, the gas supply must be shut off prior to disconnecting the electrical power.
Note: The higher the orifice number the smaller the hole in the tip. For example, a number 52 orifice has a larger hole than a number 60 orifice.
Do not stike glass or close door with excessive force. Breakage of glass and/or damage to door may result.
LP and Natural Gas Conversion Kits
Pilot Orifice
Main Orifice #31 (Nat. Gas)
Main Orifice #50 (LP)
Conversion label
Valve Conversion Module
Natural Gas Kit | Part No. |
LP Kit | Part No. |
These kits are only for use in the
ShadowLight XL Insert.
Inside Diameter