I8 Water Cooker Computer Service
Pitco P/N PP11375
To view the set temperature, press the thermometer key twice. The control will momentarily display [SET xxx’F] (where xxx is the set temperature), and then return to normal operation and display either [READY], or
[ACT xxx’F].
1.6To view the current Cook, Shake and Hold timer settings:
To view the current Cook, Shake and Hold timer settings for a cook timer, press the clock key, followed by the desired product key for which you want to check the time settings. For example, press the clock key, then product key 4.
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The control will display [TM4 mm:ss] (where mm:ss is minutes:seconds), then [SH4 mm:ss] and [HD4 mm:ss] as the current time settings for product key 4.
2.0To enter Level 1 Programming(store manager):
Note: The factory default setting for this control does not require an operator password to be entered. However, the operator password requirement and value may be changed in section 3.2. Entry of a password when NOT required will not interfere with the programming process.
While there are no cook timers running, and the control display shows either [READY], [ACT xxx’F], or [FILLING ], press the program key. If the control displays [PASS ], enter the manager password(or the default manager password 6684) using the product keys
All of the Level 1Menu programming options shown below must begin with the control displaying this prompt [PROGRAM ].
2.1To set the Cook Temperature:
With the control display showing [PROGRAM], press the thermometer key once. The control display will show [SET xxx’F] where xxx is the current setpoint temperature.
Enter the new set temperature using the product keys once to save this setting. The control display will show [PROGRAM ]. Continue on
to the next Level 1 Menu programming option below, or press the program key again
to exit it out of the Level 1 Menu. The control display will show either [READY], [ACT xxx’F], or [FILLING ] and the control will return to normal operation.
2.2To change Cook, Shake and Hold Timer settings: 2.2.1 Cook Time
With the control display showing [PROGRAM], press the clock key. The display will show [SELECT] and all eight key indicators will light up. Press the
desired product key for the cook time to change. For example, press product
key 4. The control display will show [4TM mm:ss], indicating that Cook Timer 4 4 has a timer setting of mm:ss in minutes:seconds. Enter the new cook time
using the product keys proceed to the next step(2.2.2) or press the program key three times to exit out of this programming option and to return to normal operation.
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