DDAA1000/SRM User Guide
Number of Disconnects
If, during the course of performing a link test, the link between the master and the remote is broken, and the radios lose carrier detect, the occurrence is recorded in the Number of Disconnects value. The value indicates the total number of disconnects that have occurred from the time the link test started until the radio was put into config mode. Under normal operating conditions, the number of disconnects should be 0. One or more disconnects may indicate a very weak link, the presence of severe interference problems or loss of DC power to the Master or Repeater if one is present.
Note: a remote and/or repeater will record a disconnect if the system master is placed into configuration mode or has power interrupted while the remote and/or repeater is linked to the master
Radio Temperature
The radio temperature value is the current operating temperature of the radio in degrees C (Celsius.) For proper operation, DDAA1000/SRM radio modems must be in the range of
Multi-Point Operation
In a
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rev 8/04