Cook Time
The cook time is the total amount of time the product will be cooked for this recipe. The time is entered in minutes and seconds using the 1 through 0 buttons. As the 1 through 0 buttons are pressed, the number enters in the right column and is shifted to the left as subsequent numbers are entered.
Recipe 1
Cook Time = 1:30
Then Press NEXT
To get the 1 minute and 30 second value shown above, press the 1 button followed by the 3 button and then the
After entering the cook time, press the NEXT button to proceed to the next recipe setting.
Lamp Power
To enter a top power of 8, as shown below, press the 8 button or press the PWR LEVEL button repeatedly until 8 appears.
Recipe 1
Enter Power
Top Lamps = 8
Then Press NEXT
Press the NEXT button to go to the BOTTOM LAMP POWER screen.
Recipe 1
Enter Power
Bottom Lamps = 5
Then Press NEXT
To enter a bottom power of 5 as shown, press the 5 button or the PWR LEVEL button.
Press the NEXT button to proceed to the next screen.
Do You Want To Save
This New Recipe 1
1 = Yes | 2 = No |
Press the 1 button to store the new settings in memory. Press the 2 button to exit the program mode without saving any changes.
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