Priming and Calibration
6.Place an empty container on a scale, and tare (zero) the scale. Repeat the process with a 2nd container on a 2nd scale.
7.Place both containers under the ratio check nozzle, positioned so one container captures material A, and the 2nd container captures material B.
8.Press the footswitch.
9.After the material is dispensed, place each container on the same scale, and measure the net mass of each of the materials. Record the mass of both the A and B materials.
10.Divide the A material mass by the B material mass to obtain the material ratio being dispensed.
Miscellaneous Machine Setups
The following sections outline how to configure various optional settings.
Manual Control Options (M1)
The user can control the machine’s piston position and displacement valve operation manually the M1 screen.
From the Run Screen press then press
. The following screen will be displayed.
Figure 17: Maintenance Screen (M1)
AFull Retract ICON
BFull Extend ICON
CChange Dispense Valve Mode = Always Open
= Always Closed
= Opens at Cylinder Entrance (Automatic)
DCurrent Piston Position
ECurrent Dispense Valve Mode
FScreen Number (C1)
G &
keys will navigate to adjacent screens.
Manual Piston Control:
1.Press to extend the piston.
2.Press to retract the piston.
Manual DV Control:
1.To change the DV operation press the third blue key from the left.
2.When the Current Dispense Valve Mode (E in Figure 17) is , the valve will open and stay open regardless of the piston position.
3.When the Current Dispense Valve Mode is , the valve will close and stay closed regardless of the piston position.
4.When the Current Dispense Valve Mode is , the valve will be in automatic mode, opening when the pump gets to the cylinder entrance and closing when it gets to the end of the cylinder.
5.Press twice to return to the Run screen.
Purge Timer / Alarm Settings (M2)
When activate, the Purge Timer will automatically dispense a shot if the machine is idle (not dispensing material) for a programmed duration of time. This prevents the mixed material from hardening in the static mixer. To set the Purge Timer;
From the Run screen, press , then press
, and then press
once. The following screen will be displayed.
Figure 18: M2 after Purge Timer Selection
1.Press .
2.Press or
to enter the purge timer value. This idle time allowed before the machine will automatically dispense a shot to clear the mixer.
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