Trane Tracer Unit Ventilator, ZN.520 manual Heating And Cooling Changeover Logic

Page 45

Unit Operation


When 24 VAC is initially applied to the controller, the following se- quence of events occurs:

qGreen status LED turns ON .

qAll outputs are controlled OFF.

qThe controller reads input values to determine initial values.

qRandom-start timer expires (5 to 30 seconds).


is enabled, the controller waits 0-120 seconds (depending on configuration) to allow ample time for communicated control data to input. If the controller does not receive communi- cated information, standalone control is assumed.

qAll modulating valves and dampers calibrate closed.

qNORMAL operation begins.


The valid occupancy modes for the Tracer ZN.520 controller are:

qOCCUPIED - Normal operating mode for occupied spaces or daytime operation.


operating mode for unoccupied spaces or nighttime operation.


used to reduce the heating and cooling demands, while providing ventilation, during the occupied hours when the space is vacant or unoccupied.


temporarily place the unit into the occupied operation.

The occupancy mode can be hard- wired to the controller via the oc- cupancy binary input or communicated to the controller.


When the controller is in the OCCU- PIED mode, the unit attempts to maintain the space temperature at the active occupied heating or cooling setpoint.

OCCUPIED mode is the default mode of the Tracer ZN.520 control- ler.


When the controller is in the UN- OCCUPIED mode, the unit attempts to maintain space temperature at the stored unoccupied heating or cooling setpoint (i.e., config- urable through Tracer Summit or the Rover service tool) regardless of the presence of a hardwired or communicated setpoint. When the space temperature exceeds the stored unoccupied setpoint, the controller brings on 100% of the primary heating or cooling ca- pacity.

The UNOCCUPIED mode can be ini- tiated through a hardwired signal to the occupancy binary input or by a communicated request.



lows the unit to operate at a heat- ing or cooling setpoint between the occupied and unoccupied set- points to help maintain the envi- ronment while decreasing energy consumption.

This mode decreases the ventila- tion for heating or cooling during brief periods of vacancy in the space. Unit operation in this mode is similar to the occupied mode ex- cept for the different heating and cooling setpoints and a different outside air damper position.


initiated only when occupancy is communicated to the Tracer ZN.520 controller and the hard- wired signal to the occupancy in- put is calling for unoccupied operation.



used to transition the unit from the

UNOCCUPIED mode to the OCCU-

PIED mode for a period of time from 0 to 4 hours (configurable through Rover. Default=RUN). The controller can be placed in OCCU- PIED BYPASS mode by either com- municating an occupancy request of BYPASS or by using the TIMED OVERRIDE (i.e., ON) button on the Trane zone sensor.

ON and CANCEL Buttons

Some Trane zone sensors have ON and CANCEL buttons for timed over- ride operation. Pressing the ON button on the zone sensor when the unit is in the UNOCCUPIED mode initiates the OCCUPIED BY- PASS mode and initializes the by- pass timer. The CANCEL button is used to send the unit back into UN- OCCUPIED mode before the bypass timer has expired.

The ON button may also be used for the unit identification or the

WINK” feature. (See “Winking” on page38.for more information.) When the Tracer ZN.520 controller is connected to a Tracer Summit system or the Rover service tool, the ON button may be used in place of the service pin for easy unit identification.

Heating And Cooling Changeover Logic

The Tracer™ ZN.520 Unit Control- ler can receive communicated re- quests for heating or cooling operation. The communicated variable nviApplicMode is used to communicate the requests for the controller's operating mode based on the following values:

0 = Auto (mode determined by controller)

1 = Heat (uses heating setpoints)

2= Morning Warm-up

3= Cool (uses cooling setpoints)



Image 45
Contents Tracer ZN.520 for Classroom Unit Ventilator Installation Owner DiagnosticsInstallation of New Units Start-up ProceduresPower Up Sequence Tracer ZN.520 Overview General InformationGeneral Information Tracer ZN.520 unit controller circuit board Controller Circuit Board FeaturesController Features ServiceTypical Components Communication Configurations Peer-to-Peer CommunicationsIntegrated Comfort System Stand-Alone Communication InterfaceInteroperability Characteristic End Device SpecificationsStandard End Devices DescriptionStandard End Devices Way Control Valve Time clock Zone sensor Dpdt Control Transformer Specifications Installation and WiringBinary Inputs Generic/baseboard Heat Binary Output Binary OutputsAnalog inputs Analog InputsMounting Vertical classroom unit ventilator end pocket Power WiringProper zone sensor placement Installing the Wall- Mounted Zone Sensor OptionalHumidity and CO2 Sensors Typical Wiring Diagram-Wall Mounted Zone Sensor Typical Wiring Diagram-Unit Mounted Zone Sensor Typical Wiring Diagram-Unit Input and output summary Input/Output SummaryInput/Output Summary Configurable parameters ConfigurationCooling source Heating sourceBinary Outputs1 Binary Inputs1 Binary input summary ConfigurationAnalog Inputs1 Analog input summaryEnd Device Configurations Fan ConfigurationFan configuration ranges DefaultDischarge air limit ranges Default Valid range Setpoint defaults Default Valid rangeSetpoints Discharge Air LimitsOccupied Bypass Timer Power-Up Control WaitMaintenance Timers Location Identifier Unit Identification TagWinking Unit Operation Power-UpHeating And Cooling Changeover Logic OccupancyHeat/Cool Changeover logic Cooling Operation Fan Off DelayHeating Operation Fan OperationFace-and-Bypass Damper Operation Valve OperationExhaust fan/damper operation Modulating ValvesWater assumption chart Entering Water Temperature SamplingUnit Configuration Temperature Assumed1DX Operation Economizer OperationElectric Heat Operation Baseboard Heat OperationOutput Overrides Filter Status/ Maintenance TimerFan Status Other ModesSimple data sharing application Data Sharing-LonWorksMore complex data sharing application Heating And Cooling Changeover Logic Heat/Cool Changeover logic Cooling Operation Valve Operation Entering Water Temperature Sampling Economizer Operation Output Overrides Data Sharing-LonWorks More complex data sharing application Red Service LED TroubleshootingBlack Service Push Button Yellow Comm LEDExit6 Test ProcedureTroubleshooting Entering Water Temperature Failure Space Temperature FailureDischarge Air Temperature Limit Outdoor Air Temperature FailureDiagnostics Troubleshooting Translating Multiple Diagnostics Fans Rover service toolValves Valves stay closed Probable cause Possible ExplanationValves stay open Probable cause Possible Explanation DX/Electric Heat Outside Air DamperOutdoor air damper stays closed Probable cause Explanation Probable Cause Explanation Outdoor air damper stays openReplacing Circuit Boards Tracer ZN.520 Unit Controller ReplacementFan Switch Resistance Values Hardwired Setpoint AdjustmentHardwired Thermistor Values AppendixBinary Configuration Appendix-Binary ConfigurationBinary configuration details Binary input or output FunctionEffective heat/ cool mode output nvoHeatCool Heat/cool mode input NviHeatCoolAppendix-Unit Operation Unit Operation Based On The Effective HEAT/COOL OutputAppendix-Unit Operation Appendix-Data Lists Configuration properties1Data Lists Input/output listing1Appendix-Timeclock Setting the Time ClockSet the Time and Day Set the ProgramOverride Program Manual Operation Review and Change ProgramsAppendix-Timeclock Appendix-Location Identifier Location Identifier Location Identifier Location Identifier Trane Company