8. Mechanical Disassembly
8-1) Refrigerator Disassembly
Control Panel
1.Insert a
2.Disconnect the wire connector in the back of control panel.
Door Handle
The door handles allow access into the refrigerator and freezer. They are front mounted with Phillips head screws.
1.With a small
2.Remove the Phillips screws (8).
3.Lift the handle with an in and upward motion until it disengages the locking tabs. Pull the handle outward to remove it.
Beverage StationTM
The beverage stationTM allows access to the refrigerator without opening the refrigerator door.
1.Open the door beverage stationTM
2.With a small
3.Take off its door.
Door Gasket
The door gasket is a molded gasket set into a channel located in the door liner.
1.Open the door.
2.Grasp the gasket and pull in an outward motion until the molded gasket separates from the door liner.