Fig 4
E.The hood should be hung so that the bottom of the hood is
Fig 5
Tower Interface Detail
Place trim collar on tower. Position tower under hood. Fully tighten trim collar retainer hardware after tower and hood are aligned properly. See fig. A, B, and C (next page).
F.The entire exhaust duct system must be con- tinuously welded. This includes the connection to the duct collar and the roof curb. All welds must be liquid tight.
NOTE: Welds must not impede operation of damper.
G.Connect the lights to the circuit breaker panel through the light switch. All connections should be in compliance with NFPA 70, National Electric Code [NEC].
H. Install bulbs in the light fixture[s].
I.Install the grease filters [AF] or modules [AX].
J.Install the grease receptacles [AF or AX]
NOTE: A minimum of a three inch [3"] insulated fire barrier and air space must be maintained between the capture area skin of the ventilator and any combustible surface, including wall and ceiling. AVTEC ventilators normally have a 3" air space; insulation is added when specified.
III.CONTROL PANEL [if provided]
Control panels are provided with all auto wash type ventilators [Models AW- ] and are optional with the baffle filter type [AF- ] and modular grease extractor type [AX- ]. Control panels with Models AF- and AX- do not have the auto wash plumbing assembly compartments. Any control panel may be provided with a integral
A.Wall Attachment
Control panel dimensions and connection detail are shown on the enclosed shop drawing. Panels may be surface mounted, partially recessed or fully recessed as shown on fig. 6.
1.Surface Mounted
Drill four [4] holes in ventilator plumbing compartment as required. Be careful not to damage any components. Avoid drilling into electrical compartments. Bolt to wall with anchor bolts or other acceptable means. Weight of control panel varies from 90 lbs. to 200 lbs.
Cut hole in wall 1/2" greater than O/A dimensions of control box [shown on shop drawing]. Spacers or support angles may be necessary to provide proper support. It is recommended that panel be bolted to wall similar to method used for surface mounted above.