Whirlpool 2212539 Setting the Controls, Adjusting Control Settings, Mid-setting “4”, Recommended

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Setting the Control(s)

Setting the Control(s)

For your convenience, the refrigerator controls are preset at the factory. Controls for the refrigerator and freezer are located in the top of the refrigerator section.

When you first install your refrigerator, make sure that the control(s) are still preset. The control(s) should be at the “mid-settings” as shown for each style of control.

Mid-setting “3”

Mid-setting “3”






































Mid-setting “4”







NOTE: To turn your refrigerator off, turn the refrigerator control to the word OFF or until the word OFF appears, as shown below. Your product will not cool when the refrigerator control is set to OFF.








Give your refrigerator time to cool down completely before adding food. It is best to wait 24 hours before you put food into the refrigerator.

IMPORTANT: If you add food before the refrigerator has cooled completely, your food may spoil. Turning the Refrigerator or

Freezer Control(s) to a higher (colder) than recommended setting will not cool the compartments any faster.

On models with two controls, the Freezer Control functions as an airflow director. Setting “1” will direct more of the cold air into the refrigerator section, while setting “5” (or “7” depending on your model) will direct more of the cold air into the freezer section. The cold air flows from the freezer compartment through the top vent into your fresh food section (see diagram in the "Ensuring Proper Air Circulation" section). On models with one control, the airflow does not require adjustment.

Adjusting Control Settings

Give the refrigerator time to cool down completely before adding food. It is best to wait 24 hours before you put food into the refrigerator. The “mid-settings” indicated in the previous section should be correct for normal household refrigerator usage. The controls are set correctly when milk or juice is as cold as you like and when ice cream is firm.

For models with two controls:

The Refrigerator Control functions as the thermostat for the entire product (refrigerator and freezer sections). The higher the number setting, the longer the compressor will run to keep the temperature colder. The Freezer Control adjusts the cold air flow from the freezer to the refrigerator.

If you need to adjust temperatures in the refrigerator or freezer, start by adjusting the refrigerator first. Wait 24 hours after the refrigerator adjustment to check the freezer temperature. If it is too warm or too cold, then adjust the Freezer Control as well.

For models with a single control:

The Temperature Control functions as the thermostat for the entire product (refrigerator and freezer sections). The higher the number setting, the longer the compressor will run to keep the temperature colder.

Use the settings listed in the chart below as a guide. Always remember to wait at least 24 hours between adjustments.










too warm


Door opened often

Control or




Large amount of food added

Control to next

Room temperature very warm

higher number, wait

24 hours, then re-




Blocked air stream

Move items out of



air stream



FREEZER section too warm/ice not


made fast enough

Control or

Door opened often


Control to next



Large amount of food added

higher number, wait

Very cold room temperature (can’t

24 hours, then re-



cycle often enough)



Heavy ice usage


Blocked air stream

Move items out of



air stream





too cold


Controls not set correctly for your

Control or





Control to next





lower number, wait



24 hours, then re-




Blocked air stream

Move items out of



air stream



FREEZER section too cold


Controls not set correctly for your

Control or





Control to next





lower number, wait



24 hours, then re-




Blocked air stream

Move items out of



air stream





Image 11
Contents Guide d’utilisation et d’entretien TOP-MOUNT REFRIGERATORRÉFRIGÉRATEUR SUPERPOSÉ Use & Care GuideINSTALLING YOUR REFRIGERATOR TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE DES MATIÈRES REFRIGERATOR SAFETYIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS REFRIGERATORSAFETYYour safety and the safety of others are very important Proper Disposal of Your Old RefrigeratorExcessive Weight Hazard INSTALLING YOUR REFRIGERATORUnpacking Your Refrigerator Location RequirementsElectrical Shock Hazard Plug into a grounded 3 prong outlet Connecting the Refrigerator to a Water SourceElectrical Requirements Connecting to water lineDoor and hinge removal Base GrilleRefrigerator Doors Removing, Reversing optional and Replacing Connecting to refrigeratorFinal Steps Door and hinge replacementDoor reversal optional Style 1 - Standard Style 2 - ContourBase Grille Top Hinge Door Removal ReplacementDoor Swing Reversal optional Style 1 - StandardDoor Handle Reversal Door Removal Replacement8 Re-installation of Door Stops Bottom HingeEnsuring Proper Air Circulation USING YOUR REFRIGERATORDoor Closing and Alignment Understanding Sounds You May HearMid-setting “4” Setting the ControlsAdjusting Control Settings Mid-setting “3” Mid-setting “3”Refrigerator Shelves REFRIGERATOR FEATURESon some models - Accessory Ice Makeron some models Lateral Adjustable ShelfMeat Drawer and Cover Chilled Meat DrawerWine or Can/Bottle Rack Crisper and Crisper CoverCrisper Humidity Control Utility or Egg BinPull-out Freezer Floor FREEZER FEATURESAdjustable Half-width Freezer Shelf Freezer ShelfDoor Bins DOOR FEATURESAdjustable Utility Compartment & Tray Door RailsExplosion Hazard Use nonflammable cleaner Cleaning Your RefrigeratorCARING FOR YOUR REFRIGERATOR Changing the Light BulbsMoving Power InterruptionsVacation and Moving Care VacationsYour refrigerator will not operate TROUBLESHOOTINGHas the ice maker just been installed? Is there a water filter installed on the refrigerator?Are the controls set correctly for the surrounding conditions? Does the water contain minerals such as sulfur?The divider between the two compartments is warm Temperature is too warmIf you need replacement parts ASSISTANCE OR SERVICEIn the U.S.A In CanadaWhirlpool Corporation will not pay for WHIRLPOOL REFRIGERATOR WARRANTYONE-YEAR FULL WARRANTY ON REFRIGERATOR FIVE-YEAR FULL WARRANTY ON SEALED REFRIGERATION SYSTEMVotre sécurité et celle des autres est très importante SÉCURITÉ DU RÉFRIGÉRATEURAVERTISSEMENT Mise au rebut de votre vieux réfrigérateurAVERTISSEMENT INSTALLATION DU RÉFRIGÉRATEURDéballage de votre réfrigérateur Déplacement de votre réfrigérateurRisque dexplosion Emplacement d’installationSpécifications électriques Méthode recommandée de mise à la terreOutils requis Raccordement du réfrigérateur à une canalisation d’eauLire attentivement toutes les instructions avant de commencer Arrivée d’eau froidePour enlever la grille de la base Grille de la baseDémontage - Portes et charnières Inversion des portes facultatif Style 1 - StandardPorte du compartiment de réfrigération Réinstallation - Portes et charnièresÉtapes finales Porte du compartiment de congélationCharnière centrale Démontage et réinstallation de la porteInversion du sens douverture des portes option Grille de la base Charnière supérieureInversion de la poignée de porte Inversion du sens douverture des portes option8 Réinstallation des butées de porte Style 2 - ContourAlignement des portes Fermeture et alignement des portesLes bruits de l’appareil que vous pouvez entendre Fermeture des portesRéglage moyen Réglage moyen Réglage des commandesUTILISATION DU RÉFRIGÉRATEUR Pour s’assurer d’une circulation d’air appropriéeCONDITION/RAISON Ajustement des réglages de commandeRECOMMANDÉ AJUSTEMENTTablettes du réfrigérateur sur certains modèles - AccessoireRÉFRIGÉRATEUR Machine àglaçonsPour réinstaller la tablette Tablette à réglage latéralTiroir à viande et couvercle sur certains modèlesCasier utilitaire ou oeufrier Tiroir à viande réfrigéréBac àlégumes et couvercle Réglage de l’humiditédans les bacs àlégumesClayette de congélateur CONGÉLATEURCasier à vin ou porte-cannettes Clayette ajustable demi-largeur pour congélateurTringles dans la porte sur certains modèles -AccessoirePORTE CARACTÉRISTIQUES DE LARisque dexplosion Utiliser un produit de nettoyage ininflammable Remplacement des ampoules d’éclairageENTRETIEN DE VOTRE Nettoyage du réfrigérateurVacances Pannes de courantdéménagement Entretien avant les vacances ou lors d’unLes ampoules n’éclairent pas DÉPANNAGELe réfrigérateur ne fonctionne pas Le réfrigérateur est-il en train de se dégivrer?Les glaçons ont-ils été gardés trop longtemps? Un filtre à eau est-il installé sur le réfrigérateur?Le robinet d’eau est-il complètement ouvert? Mauvais goût ou odeur des glaçonsPour service au Canada ASSISTANCE OU SERVICEAux États-Unis Au CanadaWhirlpool Corporation ne paiera pas pour GARANTIE DU RÉFRIGÉRATEUR WHIRLPOOLGARANTIE COMPLÈTE DE UN AN DU RÉFRIGÉRATEUR GARANTIE COMPLÈTE DE CINQ ANS DU SYSTÈME DE RÉFRIGÉRATION SCELLÉ