Questions and Answers
Q. How can 1use the minutetimerto makemy surfacecookingeasier?
A. Theminute timer will help time total cooking, which includes time to boil food and change temperatures. Do not judge cooking time by visible steam only. Food will cook in covered containers even though you can’t see my steam.
Q. CanI w theminutetimerduringovencooking?
A. The minute timer can be used during any cooking function. The automatic timers (START and STOP dids) are used with TIME BAKE and CLEAN functions.
Q. Can I changethe time of day on the clock whkleI’m TimeBtilng in the oven?
A. The time of day on the clock should not be changed during any program that uses the oven timer. You must either stop those programs or wait until they are finished before changing the time.
Before Using YourOven
1.Look at the controls. Be sure you understand how to set them properly.
2.Check the oven interior. hok at the shelves. Take a practice run at removing and replacing them properly to give sure, sturdy support.
3.Read over the information and tips that follow.
4.Keep this guide handy so you can refer to it, especially during the first weeks of getting acquainted with your range.
Oven Controls
The controls for the right oven aremarkedOVEN SET and OVEN TEMP
The OVEN SET knob has settings for TIME BAKE, BAKE, CLEAN, BRO~ and OFF.
The OVEN TEMP knob maintains the temperature you set from WARM (200°F.) to BROIL (550°F.) and also at CLEAN (over 800°F.).
The control for the lefi oven is markedLE~ OVEN. The LEFTOVEN controlknob has temperaturesettingsthatrangefrom 150°F. to 500°F. andBROL.
The Oven Cycfing Light glows until the oven reaches the selected temperature, then goes off and on with the heating elements during cooking.
Preheatingthe oven, evento hightemperature settings,is
6minutes.Preheattheovenonlywhennecessary. Manyfoodswillcooksatisfactorilywithout preheatingIf. youfindpreheatingis necessary,see theHow to Set Your Range for Preheating section.
Oven Light
The light comes on automatically when the door is opened. Use the switch on the control panel to turn the light on and off when the door is closed.
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