The automatic timer and clock on your range are helpful devices that serve several purposes.
To Set the Clock | To Set the Minute Timer |
| Model JCS57 |
Model JCS57
To set the clock, pushthe centerknob of the clock in and turn the clock hands to the correct time.
NOTE: The minutetimerpointerwill move also; let the knob out and turnthe timerpointerto 12.
The minute timer has been combined with the range clock. Use it to time dl your precise cooking operations. You will recognize the minute timer as the pointer which is different in color and shape than the clock hands.
To set the minute timer, turnthe centerknob,
withoutpushingin, untilthepointerreachesthe numberof minutesyouwishto time.(Minutesare marked,upto 60, in thecenterringontheclock.)
At the end of the set time, a buzzer sounds to tell you time is up. Turn the knob, without pushing in, untilthe pointerreaches 12and the buzzer stops.
ToSet the Digiti Clock
Model JCP67
Toset the clock,push in the center knob of the minute timer and turn the knob in either direction to set the digital clock numerals to the correct time.
NOTE: After setting the clock, let the knob out, and turn the minute timer pointer to 0~.
To Set the Minute Timer
Model JCP67
Toset the minutetimer,turnthecenterknob clockwise,withoutpushingin, untilthepointer reachesthenumberof minutesyouwishto time
(Up to 60).
At the end of the set time, a buzzer sounds to tell you time is up. Turn the center knob, without pushing in, until the pointerreaches0~ andthe buzzer stops.
TimedBakingUses the AutomaticTimer
Using the automatic timer, you can Time Bake with the oven starting immediately and turning off at the Stop Time set or set both the STOP and the START dials to automatically start and stop the oven at a later time of day. It takes the worry out of not being home to start or stop tie oven. See the Timed Baking section.
Self-CleaningUses the AutomaticTimer
NOTE: Before beginning Timed Baking or