Grandstream Networks GXV300X manual Account Active, Account Name, SIP Server, Outbound Proxy

Page 34


The GXV300x has 3 line appearances, each with an independent SIP account. Each SIP account requires its own configuration page. Their configurations are identical.








Account Active


This field indicates whether the account is active. The default value for the primary account








(Account 1) is Yes. The default value for the other two accounts is No.













Account Name






The name associated with each account - displayed on LCD.













SIP Server






SIP Server’s IP address or Domain name provided by VoIP service provider.













Outbound Proxy






IP address or Domain name of Outbound Proxy or Session Border Controller.





Used by GXV300x for firewall or NAT penetration in different network environment.





If it detects symmetric NAT, STUN will not work.





ONLY OBP or session border controller can provide solution for symmetric NAT.



















User account information provided by VoIP service provider (ITSP).





It is either an actual phone number or something formatted like one.













Authenticate ID






SIP service subscriber’s Authenticate ID used for authentication.





It can be identical to or different from SIP User ID.













Authenticate Password






SIP service subscriber’s account password for GXV300x to register to (SIP) server.



















SIP service subscriber’s name that is used for Caller ID display.















Default is No.








If set to “Yes”, phone will use “Preferred DNS SRV” (Basic Setting Page) to look up server.













User ID is Phone Number






If the GXV300x has an assigned PSTN telephone number, this field should be set to “Yes”.





Otherwise, set it to “No”. If “Yes” is set, a “user =phone” parameter will be attached to the





“From” header in SIP request to indicate the E.164 number













SIP Registration






This parameter controls whether the GXV300x needs to send REGISTER messages to the





proxy/server. The default setting is “Yes”.













Unregister on Reboot


Default is No. If set to “Yes”, the SIP user’s registration information will be cleared on re-








boot and “*” will be in SIP Contact header to notify the server to unbinding all.








Register Expiration


This parameter allows user to specify the time frequency (in minutes) that GXV300x re-





freshes its registration with the specified registrar. The default interval is 60 minutes. The





maximum interval is 65,535 minutes (about 45 days).








SIP Registration Failure-


Retry registration if the process failed.



Retry Wait Time


Default is 20 seconds.













Local SIP port






This parameter defines the local SIP port used to listen and transmit.





The default value for Account 1 is 5060. It is 5062, 5064 for Account 2 and Account 3.







Grandstream Networks, Inc.

GXV300x User Manual

Page 32 of 54



Updated: 12/2010

Image 34
Contents Grandstream Networks, Inc Table of Contents GXV300X WEB GUI Welcome Installation 10/100Mbps RJ-45 port for connecting PC as switch mode 10/100Mbps RJ-45 port for uplink to EthernetSion up Handset Rest TabTab with exten Sion down Network Interfaces Feature RichOpen Standards Compatible Superb Audio QualityAudio Features Feature KeysVideo Features Call Handling FeaturesCaller ID Privacy Firmware UpgradesFeatures Advanced ServerUsing GXV300X IP Video Phone OSD/Camera Loopback Dis- play On/Off key UP ↑ Play and OSD ON/OFFHandset, Speakerphone and Headset Mode Completing CallsMaking Calls using IP Addresses Quick IP Call Mode For exampleCall Transfer Receiving CallsCall Waiting/ Call Hold Way ConferencingDo Not Disturb Voice Messages Message Waiting IndicatorMute/Delete Camera BlockMaking/Receiving Calls via Pstn only applicable on GXV3005 Camera Local Loopback Display and OSD ON/OFFOSD Display Explanation Making callsDisable Call Waiting per Call Disable Call Waiting for all subsequent callsEnable Call Waiting for all subsequent calls Enable Call Waiting per CallConfiguration Guide Flow Chart of KEY PAD Configuration Menu ∙ Ring Volume ∙ Audio ∙ Video Codecs ∙ Upgrade∙ Factory Reset Phone Book Call HistoryAccess the Web Configuration Pages ∙ Pstn Loopback ∙ Ethernet LoopbackDefinitions Password Sensitive with a maximum length of 25 characters Port End UserRule Syntax Time ZoneDaylight Savings Time 7,2,011,1,7,2,060Advanced User Configuration Silence Admin PasswordG723 rate SuppressionTimeout Mode Enable VideoPassword Video FrameUpgrade ConfigConfig File Use Random PortScreen Saver AuthenticateConf File DownloadCall-Waiting Tone Disable DisableCall-Waiting Disable UpdateUnregister on Reboot Authenticate IDAuthenticate Password Account ActiveSubscribe for MWI Keep-Alive Using SIP OPNAT Traversal Stun Proxy-RequireDial Plan Dial Plan Rules Enable Call FeaturesCaller Request Timer 1900x. =16172-9xxxxxx 12-9xx2-9xxxxxx 0112-9xEnable 100rel Callee Request TimerForce Timer UAC Specify RefresherEnable RFC5168 Support Jitter DelayDefault Resolution Srtp ModeAnce Silence TimeoutAC Termination Imped Caller ID SchemeEnable FXS Call Waiting Volume AmplificationDisable FXS Caller ID Caller IDConfiguration Through Secure Central Provisioning Server Key Pad Menu Web Configuration InterfaceNo Local HTTP/TFTP Server Instructions for firmware upgrade via a Local Tftp Server Managing Firmware and Configuration File Download How It Works and Configuration IntroductionXML Syntax Example Phonebook FileScreensaver Images Screenshot of Screensaver Utility Ringtone File Size Connect the GXV300X to Your TV using RCA Cable USB 2.0 PortHeadset Jack Diagram Cross Over Cable For Some Model of HeadsetCross Over Cable required for Plantronics Headset PC side Monitor Device LimitationsScreenshot Monitoring Station Grandstream Networks, Inc Restore Factory Default Setting