Grandstream Networks GXV300X Dial Plan Dial Plan Rules, Wait Time, Enable Call Features, Min-SE

Page 36


Dial Plan


Dial Plan Rules:














1. Accept Digits: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 , *, #, A,a,B,b,C,c,D,d







2. Grammar: x - any digit from 0-9;







xx+ - at least 2 digits number;







xx. – at least 1 digit number.







^ - exclude;







[3-5] - any digit of 3, 4, or 5;







[147] - any digit 1, 4, or 7;







<2=011> - replace digit 2 with 011 when dialing







- or







Example 1: {[369]11 1617xxxxxxx} – Allow 311, 611, 911, and any 11 digit





numbers with leading digits 1617







Example 2: {^1900x+ <=1617>xxxxxxx} – Block any number of leading digits





1900 and add prefix 1617 for any dialed 7 digit numbers







Example 3: {1xxx[2-9]xxxxxx <2=011>x+} –Allow any combinations of numbers with 11





digits which has a leading digit 1, but 5th digit cannot be 0 or 1. Or any length of num-





bers with a minimum of 2 digits beginning with 2, with the leading digit replaced with 011.





3. Default: Outgoing - {x+*x+}







Example of a simple dial plan used in a Home/Office in the US:







{ ^1900x. <=1617>[2-9]xxxxxx 1[2-9]xx[2-9]xxxxxx 011[2-9]x. [3469]11 }





Explanation of example rule (reading from left to right):







^1900x. - prevents dialing any number started with 1900







<=1617>[2-9]xxxxxx - allows dialing to local area code (617) numbers by dialing





7 numbers and 1617 area code will be added automatically







1[2-9]xx[2-9]xxxxxx - allows dialing to any US/Canada Number with 11 digits













011[2-9]x. - allows international calls starting with 011







[3469]11 - allow dialing special and emergency numbers 311, 411, 611 and 911





[x+#] – more than two digits and end with a # sign. . NOTE: “Use # as Dial Key”





“has to be disable in this case.







• [ x.#x+"] - start with 0 or more digits and followed with “#”, and end with





more than 1 digit. Valid: “1#2”. Invalid: “123”







Note: In some cases user wishes to dial strings such as *123 to activate voice mail or





other application provided by service provider. In this case * should be predefined





inside dial plan feature and the Dial Plan should be: { *x+ }.




















Delayed Call Forward


Time waited before the call is forward to a number or VM.










Wait Time


Default is 20 seconds.


















Enable Call Features


Default is Yes. If set to "No", then Call Transfer, Call Forwarding & Do Not Disturb will be








supported locally provided that the SIP server/proxy supports these features.
















Session Expiration






The SIP Session Timer extension enables SIP sessions to be periodically “refreshed” via a





SIP request (UPDATE, or re-INVITE). Once the session interval expires, if there is no





refresh via a UPDATE or re-INVITE message, the session is terminated.





Session Expiration is the time (in seconds) where the session is considered timed out, pro-





vided no successful session refresh transaction occurs beforehand.







The default value is 180 seconds.
























The minimum session expiration (in seconds). The default value is 90 seconds.
















Caller Request Timer






If set to “Yes”, the phone will use session timer when it makes outbound calls if remote





party supports session timer.




















Grandstream Networks, Inc.


GXV300x User Manual

Page 34 of 54







Updated: 12/2010


Image 36
Contents Grandstream Networks, Inc Table of Contents GXV300X WEB GUI Welcome Installation 10/100Mbps RJ-45 port for connecting PC as switch mode 10/100Mbps RJ-45 port for uplink to EthernetHandset Rest Tab Sion upTab with exten Sion down Feature Rich Open Standards CompatibleNetwork Interfaces Superb Audio QualityFeature Keys Video FeaturesAudio Features Call Handling FeaturesFirmware Upgrades FeaturesCaller ID Privacy Advanced ServerUsing GXV300X IP Video Phone OSD/Camera Loopback Dis- play On/Off key UP ↑ Play and OSD ON/OFFHandset, Speakerphone and Headset Mode Completing CallsMaking Calls using IP Addresses Quick IP Call Mode For exampleReceiving Calls Call Waiting/ Call HoldCall Transfer Way ConferencingVoice Messages Message Waiting Indicator Mute/DeleteDo Not Disturb Camera BlockCamera Local Loopback Display and OSD ON/OFF OSD Display ExplanationMaking/Receiving Calls via Pstn only applicable on GXV3005 Making callsDisable Call Waiting for all subsequent calls Enable Call Waiting for all subsequent callsDisable Call Waiting per Call Enable Call Waiting per CallConfiguration Guide Flow Chart of KEY PAD Configuration Menu ∙ Audio ∙ Video Codecs ∙ Upgrade ∙ Factory Reset∙ Ring Volume Phone Book Call HistoryAccess the Web Configuration Pages ∙ Pstn Loopback ∙ Ethernet LoopbackDefinitions Password Sensitive with a maximum length of 25 characters Port End UserTime Zone Daylight Savings TimeRule Syntax 7,2,011,1,7,2,060Advanced User Configuration Admin Password G723 rateSilence SuppressionMode Enable Video PasswordTimeout Video FrameConfig Config FileUpgrade Use Random PortAuthenticate Conf FileScreen Saver DownloadDisable Call-Waiting DisableCall-Waiting Tone Disable UpdateAuthenticate ID Authenticate PasswordUnregister on Reboot Account ActiveKeep-Alive Using SIP OP NAT Traversal StunSubscribe for MWI Proxy-RequireEnable Call Features Caller Request TimerDial Plan Dial Plan Rules 1900x. =16172-9xxxxxx 12-9xx2-9xxxxxx 0112-9xCallee Request Timer Force TimerEnable 100rel UAC Specify RefresherJitter Delay Default ResolutionEnable RFC5168 Support Srtp ModeSilence Timeout AC Termination ImpedAnce Caller ID SchemeVolume Amplification Disable FXS Caller IDEnable FXS Call Waiting Caller IDConfiguration Through Secure Central Provisioning Server Web Configuration Interface Key Pad MenuNo Local HTTP/TFTP Server Instructions for firmware upgrade via a Local Tftp Server Managing Firmware and Configuration File Download How It Works and Configuration IntroductionXML Syntax Example Phonebook FileScreensaver Images Screenshot of Screensaver Utility Ringtone File Size Connect the GXV300X to Your TV using RCA Cable USB 2.0 PortHeadset Jack Diagram Cross Over Cable For Some Model of HeadsetCross Over Cable required for Plantronics Headset PC side Monitor Device LimitationsScreenshot Monitoring Station Grandstream Networks, Inc Restore Factory Default Setting