Operators Manual
Section 4 - Daily Cleaning And Re-filling
The quality of drinks produced by the Evolution can only be maintained if the machine is cleaned regularly following the schedule outlined. Before carrying out the daily cleaning procedure described on the following pages, it is recommended that you have the following materials to hand:
●Bactericidal Cleaner
●Cleaning Cloths
●Paper Towels
●Small Brush
●Two Large Buckets
●Disposable Gloves
●CoEx® Cleaning Tablets (Espresso Machines)
4.1Bactericidal Cleaner
This can either be a liquid or powder agent which should be dissolved in clean water in accordance with the instructions on the product packaging. The solution should be used for cleaning machine components and wiping surfaces during the cleaning operation.
4.2 De-Staining Agent
This is a liquid or powder agent which should be dissolved in clean water in accordance with the instructions on the product packaging. The solution can be used on heavily soiled or stained components such as buckets and drip trays. Items or surfaces cleaned with this solution must be rinsed in clean water to remove traces of the cleaning agent.
4.3 Liquid Destainer - Brewer Units
Crane Merchandising Systems recommends that a liquid destaining product is used for cleaning the paper/paperless brewer units fitted to Evolution freshbrew machines. The product must be used in accordance with the instructions on the product packaging, following all health and safety guidelines. A detailed procedure for cleaning the brewer units is outlined on pages 25 - 28 of this Operators Manual.
4.4 Cleaning Tablets - CoEx® Brewer Units (Espresso Models)
Crane Merchandising Systems recommends that the brewer cleaning tablets supplied with the machine are used exclusively for cleaning the CoEx® brewer fitted to Evolution espresso machines. These are available from your machine supplier in packs of 30 - part number ZC10598000. A detailed procedure for cleaning the CoEx® brewer unit is outlined on pages 28 - 30 of this Operators Manual.