Kenmore 596.58635, 596.58695, 596.58692, 596.58642, 596.58637 Icaution, Lcaution, Care and Cleaning

Page 15

Care and Cleaning


To avoid electrical shock which can cause severe

personal injury or death, disconnect power to refrigerator before cleaning. After cleaning, connect power,

! cAu'r oN

To avoid personal injury or property damage, read and follow all cleaning product manufacturer's directions.

General Cleaning

t_ Wash interior and exterior surfaces with 4 tablespoons baking soda dissolved in 1 quart warm water and a soft, clean cloth.

2o Rinse surfaces with warm water.. Dry surfaces with a soft, clean cloth.

Do not use the following items:

-abrasive or harsh cleaners, ammonia, chlorine bleach, etc.

-concentrated detergents or solvents

-metal scouring pads

These items can scratch, crack and discolor surfaces.

° Do not place buckets, shelves, etc. in dishwasher.


1.Remove glue residue by rubbing toothpaste into adhesive with fingers until adhesive loosens.

2o Rinse surface with warm water. Dry surface with a soft, clean cloth

Door Gaskets

1Clean door gaskets every 3 months according to "General Cleaning" instructions above.. Clean any spills immediately.

2Apply a light film of petroleum jelly to keep gaskets pliable.

Condenser Coils

Clean condenser coil every 3 months to ensure

maximum performance of refrigerator° Accumulated dust and tint may cause the following:

- reduced cooling performance = increased energy usage

= premature compressor failure

1.Remove lower front toe grille by holding ends and pulling forward.

2.Clean front surface of condenser coi! with a vacuum cleaner hose nozzle

3.Replace toe grille by inserting clips in holes and snapping in.


To avoid propert-_am_

soft vinyl or other flooring with cardboard, rugs, or other

protective material.

4.Pull refrigerator away from wall. Run a vacuum brush across condenser fan outlet grille on back of refrigerator.

Glass Shelves


To avoid personal injury or property damage, handle tempered glass shelves carefully. Shelves may break suddenly if nicked, scratched, or exposed to sudden

temperature change.

Remove shelf by lifting front, releasing hooks from metal track then pulling out. Place shelf on a towel Allow shelf to adjust to room temperature before cleaning.

Clean crevices by completing the following steps:

1.Dilute mild detergent and brush solution into crevices using a plastic bristle brush. Let set for 5 minutes.

2.Spray warm water into crevices using faucet spray attachment.

3.Dry shelf thoroughly and replace shelf by inserting hooks into metal track and lowering front..

Odor Removal

1.Remove all food and disconnect power to refrigerator.

2.Clean all interior surfaces including ceiling, floor, and walls according to "General Cleaning" instructions° Pay special attention to corners, crevices, and

grooves. Include all drawers, shelves, and gaskets

3..Connect power to refrigerator and return food to refrigerator. Wash and dry all bottles, containers and jars Wrap foods in tightly sealed containers to

prevent further odor. After 24 hours, check if odor was eliminated,

Complete the following steps if odor was not eliminated..

4..Place garden fresh crispers on top shelf of Fresh. Food section.. Pack Fresh Food and Freezersections

including doors with crumpled sheets of black and white newspaper.

5.Place charcoal briquettes randomly throughout newspaper.

6.Close doors and let stand 24-48 hours.

7.Remove charcoal briquettes and newspapers 8_ Complete steps 2-3

Contact Sears service center if odor was still not eliminated.. Refer to service section for phone number.


Image 15
Contents Model 58622 shown ORDER#Proper Disposal of Your Refrigerator Full One Year Warranty on RefrigeratorFull Five Year Warranty on Sealed Refrigeration System Electrical RequirementsContents Removing Handles Tools Required Installation InstructionsIwarning Spacing RequirementsInstall Water Filtration Cartridge some Models LWARNINGHandles Connecting Water Supply To avoid electrical shock which can cause severeMaterials Required Fresh Food Shelves Fresh Food FeaturesSetting Controls ControlsCrisper Drawers Temperature Controlled Meat Drawer Some modelsICAUTIONt Bottle Rack some modelsCovered Storage Bucket Some models Temperature Controlled Beverage Cooler Some modelsDoor Buckets and Shelves Door buckets adjust to meet individual storage needsNotchin -. doordike\ RemovebeveragecoolercoverbyopeningcoverTall Package Retainer some models Food Organizer Storage Freezer FeaturesAutomatic Ice Maker Off positionWater Dispenser Operation Ice and Water Dispenser Some modelsSnack/Juice Shelf Ice Dispenser OperationRemoving Ice Bucket Dispenser Light Some modelsTaste and Odor Care and Cleaning IcautionLCAUTION Light Bulb Replacement To avoid personal injury or property damage, observeLower Fresh Food Section Some models Energy Tips Vacation TipsNormal Operating Sounds Lights do not work Refrigerator Troubleshooting GuideRefrigerator will not operate Then Check ifCheck if Then Temperature is too warm or there is moisture build-upTemperature controlled meat drawer is too warm Food temperature is too coldTurned on Ice dispenser will not operate properlyWater dispenser will not operate properly Freezer door is not closed completelyDispenser water is not cool enough Water or ice is leaking from the dispenserIce maker is not producing enough ice Check if Icemaker was recently installed Odor problemsIce has off-taste or odor Page Las asas ContenidoGarantia completa de un ao del refrigerador Requerimientos electricosForma apropiada de desechar el refrigerador GarantiaEstabilice el refrigerador y alinee Las puertas AdvertenciaInstrucciones para la instalaci6n Requerimientos de espacioPara quitar las puertas IA BAdvertenciai PrecaucknConexibn del suministro de agua Controles del refrigerador y del congelador Cobre ai gabinete del refrigerador con unaAjuste de los controles Repisas de la secciSn Fresh Food PRECAUCiONLPRECAUCION Caracteristicas de la seccion Fresh FoodCompartimiento para botellas Cajones para conservar frutas y verduras CrisperEn algunos modelos Recipiente cubierto para almacenamiento En algunos modelosEnfriador de temperatura controlada para Central para productos IdcteosBebidas en algunos modelos En algunos modelosPrecaucion Paravolveracolocarel enfdador,desticeta baseRepisas y compartimientos de la puerta Dispositivo de retenci6n para paquetes Separador ajustable en algunos modelosAlmacn organizador de alimentos PRECAUCI6NICaracterfsticas del congelador Mdquina de hielo automdticaRepisa para bocadillos y jugos Funcionamiento del surtidor de! hieloFuncionamiento del surtidor de agua Cubosdehielocompradosuotraformadehie!osal Recipientedehielo Para quitar el recipiente del hieloLuz del surtidor en algunos modelos Cuidado y limpieza PRECAUCION1LADVERTENCIAj Reemplazo del focoSecci6n dei congelador Tornilio Foco Cubiertadelfoco Jal&ndolohaciafueraoApretandoeltornillo Sugerencias para ahorrar energiaConexi6n de la vdlvula de agua de la mdquina de Sonidos normales de funcionamientoVentilador del congelador el aire se acelera y Motordel espiral para hielo en los modelos conDemasiado tiempo Revise si Guia de iocalizaci6n Reparacibn de averiasRefrigerador No funciona Las luces no funcionanLas puertas no cierran completamente o estdn desalineadas Guia de Iocalizaci6n y reparaci6n de averiasLa temperatura de los alimentos es demasiado fria Guia de Iocalizaci6n y reparaci6n de averfasEl cajbn de cames de temperatura controlada Est& demasiado calienteEl surtidor de agua no funciona adecuadamente Guia de Iocalizacibn y reparacion de averiasEl surtidor gotea agua o hielo Guia de Iocalizacibn y reparacibn de averiasEl surtidor de agua no estd Io suficientemente FrfoLa mquina de hielo no produce Io suficiente Hieio tiene mal sabor u olorSe instal6 la maquina de hieto recientemente+ Page Enlever les portes Normes dlectriquesMise au rebut du rdfrigdrateur Garantie complete dun an sur le rfrigdrateurDes Mati res Liste de Contr61e DinstallationRetrait des poignes Outils ncessaires Consignes de mise en serviceMise EN Garde l Espace necessaireRetrait des portes Mise EN Garde tRaccordement De ialimentationEn eau Commandes Rglage des commandesCommandes du rfrigrateur et du Conglateur Certains modbles LATTENTiO NCaract6ristiques du compartiment Fresh Food Tablettes du compartiment Fresh FoodIATTENTION1 Bacs b IgumesSupport b bouteille certains modbles Replacerle casier laitier en inversant la procedure Bac utilitaire avec couvercleCasier iaitier certains modbles Compartiments de porte et clayettes 1ATTENTIONIiTout compartirnent ou clayette de porte et se regle Sparateur rglable certains modblesConteneur de grands embailages Le conteneur de grands emballages permet de retenirAppareil glaQons automatique Certains modbles 1ATTENTION1Caractdristiques du congelateur Paniers de rangement de nourritureFonctionnement du distributeur de glaons Distributeur Ice and WaterCertains modules Tablette pour jus/amuse-gueuleRetrait du bac b glace Got et odeur de leauIclairage du distributeur certains modbles Imise EN Garde IattentionjEntretien et nettoyage Remplacement de lampoule lectrique Mise EN GardeBrancherlecourantdu refrigerateurety replacerla Conseils pour les vacances Retirerlecouvre-ampouteenenlevantIecrouRemettrefecouvre-ampouleenle tenantenplace Vis Ampoulelectrique Couvre-ampouleBruits de fonctionnement normaux Le rdfrigrateur produit des bruits inhabituels Guide Pannage Du r4frig rateurLe rfrigrateur ne fonctionne pas V4fifier PuisSont mal alignes Guide de d pannage du refrig rateurLa tempdrature est trop dleve ou lhumiditd saccumule Les portes ne ferment pas compltement ouLa machine & glace ne fonctionne pas addquatement Guide de ddpannage du rdfrigdrateurLe tiroir du bac & Igumes ou du bac & viande pas librement Tempdrature contr61e ne fermeRefrigrateur nest.pasouvert Guide de depannage du r frigerateurLe distributeur deau ne fonctionne pas adquatement De Ieau ou de la glace sdchappe du distributeurLa machine & glace ne produit pas assez de glaons Lappareil& glaons vient detreinstall6Guide de depannage du rdfrig rateur La machine/ glace ne produit pas de glaonsPage Page Page For in-home major brand repair service Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a weekCall 9 am 5 pm, Monday Saturday