Kenmore 596.58642, 596.58695 manual Electrical Requirements, Proper Disposal of Your Refrigerator

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Electrical Requirements

_Recognize this symbol as a safety precaution.










Electrical Grounding



is equipped with a three-prong



plug for protection against possible shock hazards. If you encounter

a two-prong




contact a qualified electrician and have the two-prongwall receptacle replaced with a properly





grounded three-prong

wal! receptacle

in accordance

with the National Electrical


(_PJ_ ==_ II


is designed to operate on a separate 103 to 126 volt, 15 amp., 60 cycle




Do not under any circumstances cut or remove the round grounding

prong from




L_. It

the plug. Refrigerator

must be grounded at all times. Do not remove

warning tag from power














Do not use a two-prong

adapter. Do not use an extension cord,






Proper Disposal of Your Refrigerator

IMPORTANT: Child entrapment and suffocation are not problems of the past. Junked or abandoned refrigerators are still dangerous--even if they will sit for "just a few days". If you discard an old refrigerator, please follow the instructions below to help prevent accidents.


Take off the doors.

,Leave the shelves in place so children may not easily climb inside.


Full One Year Warranty on Refrigerator

For one year from the date of purchase, when this refrigeratoris operated and maintained according to instructions attached to or furnished with it, Sears will repair it, free of charge, if defective in material or workmanship.

Full Five Year Warranty on Sealed Refrigeration System

For five years from the date of purchase, when this refrigerator is operated and maintained according to instructions attached to or furnished with it, Sears will repair the sealed system (consistingof refrigerator_connecting tubing and compressor motor)free of charge, if defective in material or workmanshipv

The above warrantycoverage applies only to refrigeratorswhich are used for storage of food for private household purposes. Excludesoriginal and replacement Kenmore Filtered Ice & Water filter cartridges (if equipped with the

filter system)_ Original and replacement cartridgesare warranted for 30 days, parts only, against defects of material or workmanship.

Warranty service is available by contacting 1-800-4-MY-HOME (1-800-469-581 t)

This warranty applies only while this productis in use in the United States

This warranty gives you specific legal rights,and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state

Sears, Roebuck and Co, Dept 817WA, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179

Read and Save These Instructions

Record in the space provided below the model and serial numbers found on the serial plate located on the top left walt of the refrigerator compartmenL

Model Number:596.

Serial Number:

Purchase Date:

Image 2
Contents ORDER# Model 58622 shownElectrical Requirements Full One Year Warranty on RefrigeratorFull Five Year Warranty on Sealed Refrigeration System Proper Disposal of Your RefrigeratorContents Spacing Requirements Installation InstructionsIwarning Removing Handles Tools RequiredHandles Install Water Filtration Cartridge some ModelsLWARNING Materials Required Connecting Water SupplyTo avoid electrical shock which can cause severe Controls Fresh Food FeaturesSetting Controls Fresh Food ShelvesBottle Rack some models Temperature Controlled Meat Drawer Some modelsICAUTIONt Crisper DrawersTemperature Controlled Beverage Cooler Some models Covered Storage Bucket Some modelsRemovebeveragecoolercoverbyopeningcover Door buckets adjust to meet individual storage needsNotchin -. doordike\ Door Buckets and ShelvesTall Package Retainer some models Off position Freezer FeaturesAutomatic Ice Maker Food Organizer StorageIce Dispenser Operation Ice and Water Dispenser Some modelsSnack/Juice Shelf Water Dispenser OperationTaste and Odor Removing Ice BucketDispenser Light Some models LCAUTION Care and CleaningIcaution Lower Fresh Food Section Some models Light Bulb ReplacementTo avoid personal injury or property damage, observe Vacation Tips Energy TipsNormal Operating Sounds Then Check if Refrigerator Troubleshooting GuideRefrigerator will not operate Lights do not workFood temperature is too cold Temperature is too warm or there is moisture build-upTemperature controlled meat drawer is too warm Check if ThenFreezer door is not closed completely Ice dispenser will not operate properlyWater dispenser will not operate properly Turned onIce maker is not producing enough ice Dispenser water is not cool enoughWater or ice is leaking from the dispenser Ice has off-taste or odor Check if Icemaker was recently installedOdor problems Page Contenido Las asasGarantia Requerimientos electricosForma apropiada de desechar el refrigerador Garantia completa de un ao del refrigeradorRequerimientos de espacio AdvertenciaInstrucciones para la instalaci6n Estabilice el refrigerador y alinee Las puertasIA B Para quitar las puertasConexibn del suministro de agua AdvertenciaiPrecauckn Ajuste de los controles Controles del refrigerador y del congeladorCobre ai gabinete del refrigerador con una Caracteristicas de la seccion Fresh Food PRECAUCiONLPRECAUCION Repisas de la secciSn Fresh FoodRecipiente cubierto para almacenamiento En algunos modelos Cajones para conservar frutas y verduras CrisperEn algunos modelos Compartimiento para botellasEn algunos modelos Central para productos IdcteosBebidas en algunos modelos Enfriador de temperatura controlada paraRepisas y compartimientos de la puerta PrecaucionParavolveracolocarel enfdador,desticeta base Separador ajustable en algunos modelos Dispositivo de retenci6n para paquetesMdquina de hielo automdtica PRECAUCI6NICaracterfsticas del congelador Almacn organizador de alimentosFuncionamiento del surtidor de agua Repisa para bocadillos y jugosFuncionamiento del surtidor de! hielo Luz del surtidor en algunos modelos Cubosdehielocompradosuotraformadehie!osal RecipientedehieloPara quitar el recipiente del hielo PRECAUCION1 Cuidado y limpiezaSecci6n dei congelador LADVERTENCIAjReemplazo del foco Sugerencias para ahorrar energia Jal&ndolohaciafueraoApretandoeltornillo Tornilio Foco CubiertadelfocoMotordel espiral para hielo en los modelos con Sonidos normales de funcionamientoVentilador del congelador el aire se acelera y Conexi6n de la vdlvula de agua de la mdquina deLas luces no funcionan Guia de iocalizaci6n Reparacibn de averiasRefrigerador No funciona Demasiado tiempo Revise siGuia de Iocalizaci6n y reparaci6n de averias Las puertas no cierran completamente o estdn desalineadasEst& demasiado caliente Guia de Iocalizaci6n y reparaci6n de averfasEl cajbn de cames de temperatura controlada La temperatura de los alimentos es demasiado friaGuia de Iocalizacibn y reparacion de averias El surtidor de agua no funciona adecuadamenteFrfo Guia de Iocalizacibn y reparacibn de averiasEl surtidor de agua no estd Io suficientemente El surtidor gotea agua o hieloSe instal6 la maquina de hieto recientemente+ La mquina de hielo no produce Io suficienteHieio tiene mal sabor u olor Page Garantie complete dun an sur le rfrigdrateur Normes dlectriquesMise au rebut du rdfrigdrateur Enlever les portesListe de Contr61e Dinstallation Des Mati resEspace necessaire Consignes de mise en serviceMise EN Garde l Retrait des poignes Outils ncessairesMise EN Garde t Retrait des portesEn eau RaccordementDe ialimentation Commandes du rfrigrateur et du Conglateur CommandesRglage des commandes Tablettes du compartiment Fresh Food LATTENTiO NCaract6ristiques du compartiment Fresh Food Certains modblesSupport b bouteille certains modbles IATTENTION1Bacs b Igumes Casier iaitier certains modbles Replacerle casier laitier en inversant la procedureBac utilitaire avec couvercle 1ATTENTIONIi Compartiments de porte et clayettesLe conteneur de grands emballages permet de retenir Sparateur rglable certains modblesConteneur de grands embailages Tout compartirnent ou clayette de porte et se reglePaniers de rangement de nourriture 1ATTENTION1Caractdristiques du congelateur Appareil glaQons automatique Certains modblesTablette pour jus/amuse-gueule Distributeur Ice and WaterCertains modules Fonctionnement du distributeur de glaonsIclairage du distributeur certains modbles Retrait du bac b glaceGot et odeur de leau Entretien et nettoyage Imise EN GardeIattentionj Brancherlecourantdu refrigerateurety replacerla Remplacement de lampoule lectriqueMise EN Garde Vis Ampoulelectrique Couvre-ampoule Retirerlecouvre-ampouteenenlevantIecrouRemettrefecouvre-ampouleenle tenantenplace Conseils pour les vacancesBruits de fonctionnement normaux V4fifier Puis Guide Pannage Du r4frig rateurLe rfrigrateur ne fonctionne pas Le rdfrigrateur produit des bruits inhabituelsLes portes ne ferment pas compltement ou Guide de d pannage du refrig rateurLa tempdrature est trop dleve ou lhumiditd saccumule Sont mal alignesTempdrature contr61e ne ferme Guide de ddpannage du rdfrigdrateurLe tiroir du bac & Igumes ou du bac & viande pas librement La machine & glace ne fonctionne pas addquatementDe Ieau ou de la glace sdchappe du distributeur Guide de depannage du r frigerateurLe distributeur deau ne fonctionne pas adquatement Refrigrateur nest.pasouvertLa machine/ glace ne produit pas de glaons Lappareil& glaons vient detreinstall6Guide de depannage du rdfrig rateur La machine & glace ne produit pas assez de glaonsPage Page Page Call 9 am 5 pm, Monday Saturday For in-home major brand repair serviceCall 24 hours a day, 7 days a week