Kenmore 596.58697, 596.58695 Temperature is too warm or there is moisture build-up, Check if Then

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Refrigerator Troubleshooting Guide

Temperature is too warm or there is moisture build-up

Check if...

The air vents are blocked Cold air circulates from the freezer to the fresh food section and back again through air vents in the wa!l div!ding the two sections. The doors are opened often_

The light stays on when the doors are closed.

The refrigerator or freezer controls are not set proper!y. A large amount of food has just been added to the refrigerator or freezer.

The food is not packaged correctly_

]]le door is misaiigned or not closing completely.


Locate air vents by using your hand to sense airflow and move all packages that block vents and restrict airflow.

When the door is opened, warm humid air is allowed into the refrigerator. The more the door is opened, the faster'the humidity builds up, and the more warm air the refrigerator must cool.

!f lights are stay!n_ on carl for service,

See "Sett!ng Controls" instructions of "Controls" section. Adding food warms the refrigerator tt can take a few hours for the refrigerator to return to normal temperature.

Wrap food tightly and wipe off damp containers prior to

storing in the refrigerator to avoid moisture accumulation.

See "Doors will not close completely or are


Water droplets form on inside of refrigerator,

Water droplets or frost forming on beverage ehitler control,

Water droplets or frost forming on temperature controlled meat drawer,,

i Water droplets form on outside of refrigerator.

This is considered norma_ dudng high humidity periods or if doors have been opened frequent!_ _

It is normal during high humidity periods or if doors

have been opened frequently° Reduce water droplets or frost by turning control counterclockwise.

It is normal during high humidity periods or if doors

have been opened frequently. Reduce water droplets or

frost by sliding temperature controlled meat drawer to the left.

Check door £1askets for proper seat.

The temperature controlled meat drawer is too warm

Check if...


Temperature control on drawer is set cold enough°

Freezer'temperature is set cold enough,,

Cold air boot is over air inlet in side wall

See "Temperature Controlled Meat Drawer" instructions in "Refrigerator Features" Section. See "Setting Controls" instructions of "Controls" section.

See "Temperature ContrOlled Meat Drawer for meat drawer placement.

The food temperature is too cold

Check if...

The condenser coil requires cleaning.

Refrigerator and freezer controls are propedy


Meat drawer boot is properly seated over cold air intake in side wall.

Meat drawer control has been recently set to a colder setting.


See "Condenser Coil" instructions in "Care and Cleaning" section.

See "Setting Controls" instructions of "Controls" section, Allow several hours for temperature to adjust.

See "Temperature Controlled Meat Drawer" instructions for proper placement of meat drawer'boot,

Cold air'from temperature controlled meat drawer can decrease refrigerator temperature_ Refrigerator control may need adjusting, See "Setting Controls" instructions

of "Controls" section for instructions,


Image 20
Contents ORDER# Model 58622 shownFull One Year Warranty on Refrigerator Full Five Year Warranty on Sealed Refrigeration SystemElectrical Requirements Proper Disposal of Your RefrigeratorContents Installation Instructions IwarningSpacing Requirements Removing Handles Tools RequiredHandles Install Water Filtration Cartridge some ModelsLWARNING Materials Required Connecting Water SupplyTo avoid electrical shock which can cause severe Fresh Food Features Setting ControlsControls Fresh Food ShelvesTemperature Controlled Meat Drawer Some models ICAUTIONtBottle Rack some models Crisper DrawersTemperature Controlled Beverage Cooler Some models Covered Storage Bucket Some modelsDoor buckets adjust to meet individual storage needs Notchin -. doordike\Removebeveragecoolercoverbyopeningcover Door Buckets and ShelvesTall Package Retainer some models Freezer Features Automatic Ice MakerOff position Food Organizer StorageIce and Water Dispenser Some models Snack/Juice ShelfIce Dispenser Operation Water Dispenser OperationTaste and Odor Removing Ice BucketDispenser Light Some models LCAUTION Care and CleaningIcaution Lower Fresh Food Section Some models Light Bulb ReplacementTo avoid personal injury or property damage, observe Vacation Tips Energy TipsNormal Operating Sounds Refrigerator Troubleshooting Guide Refrigerator will not operateThen Check if Lights do not workTemperature is too warm or there is moisture build-up Temperature controlled meat drawer is too warmFood temperature is too cold Check if ThenIce dispenser will not operate properly Water dispenser will not operate properlyFreezer door is not closed completely Turned onIce maker is not producing enough ice Dispenser water is not cool enoughWater or ice is leaking from the dispenser Ice has off-taste or odor Check if Icemaker was recently installedOdor problems Page Contenido Las asasRequerimientos electricos Forma apropiada de desechar el refrigeradorGarantia Garantia completa de un ao del refrigeradorAdvertencia Instrucciones para la instalaci6nRequerimientos de espacio Estabilice el refrigerador y alinee Las puertasIA B Para quitar las puertasConexibn del suministro de agua AdvertenciaiPrecauckn Ajuste de los controles Controles del refrigerador y del congeladorCobre ai gabinete del refrigerador con una PRECAUCiON LPRECAUCIONCaracteristicas de la seccion Fresh Food Repisas de la secciSn Fresh FoodCajones para conservar frutas y verduras Crisper En algunos modelosRecipiente cubierto para almacenamiento En algunos modelos Compartimiento para botellasCentral para productos Idcteos Bebidas en algunos modelosEn algunos modelos Enfriador de temperatura controlada paraRepisas y compartimientos de la puerta PrecaucionParavolveracolocarel enfdador,desticeta base Separador ajustable en algunos modelos Dispositivo de retenci6n para paquetesPRECAUCI6NI Caracterfsticas del congeladorMdquina de hielo automdtica Almacn organizador de alimentosFuncionamiento del surtidor de agua Repisa para bocadillos y jugosFuncionamiento del surtidor de! hielo Luz del surtidor en algunos modelos Cubosdehielocompradosuotraformadehie!osal RecipientedehieloPara quitar el recipiente del hielo PRECAUCION1 Cuidado y limpiezaSecci6n dei congelador LADVERTENCIAjReemplazo del foco Jal&ndolohaciafuerao ApretandoeltornilloSugerencias para ahorrar energia Tornilio Foco CubiertadelfocoSonidos normales de funcionamiento Ventilador del congelador el aire se acelera yMotordel espiral para hielo en los modelos con Conexi6n de la vdlvula de agua de la mdquina deGuia de iocalizaci6n Reparacibn de averias Refrigerador No funcionaLas luces no funcionan Demasiado tiempo Revise siGuia de Iocalizaci6n y reparaci6n de averias Las puertas no cierran completamente o estdn desalineadasGuia de Iocalizaci6n y reparaci6n de averfas El cajbn de cames de temperatura controladaEst& demasiado caliente La temperatura de los alimentos es demasiado friaGuia de Iocalizacibn y reparacion de averias El surtidor de agua no funciona adecuadamenteGuia de Iocalizacibn y reparacibn de averias El surtidor de agua no estd Io suficientementeFrfo El surtidor gotea agua o hieloSe instal6 la maquina de hieto recientemente+ La mquina de hielo no produce Io suficienteHieio tiene mal sabor u olor Page Normes dlectriques Mise au rebut du rdfrigdrateurGarantie complete dun an sur le rfrigdrateur Enlever les portesListe de Contr61e Dinstallation Des Mati resConsignes de mise en service Mise EN Garde lEspace necessaire Retrait des poignes Outils ncessairesMise EN Garde t Retrait des portesEn eau RaccordementDe ialimentation Commandes du rfrigrateur et du Conglateur CommandesRglage des commandes LATTENTiO N Caract6ristiques du compartiment Fresh FoodTablettes du compartiment Fresh Food Certains modblesSupport b bouteille certains modbles IATTENTION1Bacs b Igumes Casier iaitier certains modbles Replacerle casier laitier en inversant la procedureBac utilitaire avec couvercle 1ATTENTIONIi Compartiments de porte et clayettesSparateur rglable certains modbles Conteneur de grands embailagesLe conteneur de grands emballages permet de retenir Tout compartirnent ou clayette de porte et se regle1ATTENTION1 Caractdristiques du congelateurPaniers de rangement de nourriture Appareil glaQons automatique Certains modblesDistributeur Ice and Water Certains modulesTablette pour jus/amuse-gueule Fonctionnement du distributeur de glaonsIclairage du distributeur certains modbles Retrait du bac b glaceGot et odeur de leau Entretien et nettoyage Imise EN GardeIattentionj Brancherlecourantdu refrigerateurety replacerla Remplacement de lampoule lectriqueMise EN Garde Retirerlecouvre-ampouteenenlevantIecrou Remettrefecouvre-ampouleenle tenantenplaceVis Ampoulelectrique Couvre-ampoule Conseils pour les vacancesBruits de fonctionnement normaux Guide Pannage Du r4frig rateur Le rfrigrateur ne fonctionne pasV4fifier Puis Le rdfrigrateur produit des bruits inhabituelsGuide de d pannage du refrig rateur La tempdrature est trop dleve ou lhumiditd saccumuleLes portes ne ferment pas compltement ou Sont mal alignesGuide de ddpannage du rdfrigdrateur Le tiroir du bac & Igumes ou du bac & viande pas librementTempdrature contr61e ne ferme La machine & glace ne fonctionne pas addquatementGuide de depannage du r frigerateur Le distributeur deau ne fonctionne pas adquatementDe Ieau ou de la glace sdchappe du distributeur Refrigrateur nest.pasouvertLappareil& glaons vient detreinstall6 Guide de depannage du rdfrig rateurLa machine/ glace ne produit pas de glaons La machine & glace ne produit pas assez de glaonsPage Page Page Call 9 am 5 pm, Monday Saturday For in-home major brand repair serviceCall 24 hours a day, 7 days a week