Connecting Water Supply
To avoid electrical shock which can cause severe
personal injury or death, disconnect power to refrigerator before connecting water supply After connecting water supply, connect power.
To avoid property damage, observe the following;
•Confirm water pressure to water valve is between 20 and 100 pounds per square inch.
°Tighten nut by hand to avoid cross threading_ Finish
tightening nuts with pliers and wrenches. Do not overtighten.
•Check for water leaks and correct if necessary before returning refrigerator to normal location and 24 hours after connecting_
•If water filter will be installed, water pressure to water valve must be a minimum of 35 pounds per square inch.
•Before connecting water supply, contact a plumber to connect copper tubing to household plumbing in
compliance with local codes and ordinances
• Do not use 1/4"(6.35 ram) OD plastic tubing..
°Do not run tubing from water'supply in a location where the temperature may fall below 55 ° E
Materials Required
1/4"(6 mm) flexible copper tubing° Length of copper tubing must reach from water supply connection plus an additional 8'(2 m) for service loop behind refrigerator,.
1..Remove plastic cap from water valve inlet port,,Place brass nut and brass sleeve on copper tubing_Insert copper tubing into water valve inlet port. Hand- tighten brass nut on copper tubing to water valve inlet porL Use a wrench to finish tightening nuL Be careful not to overtighten nuL Confirm copper tubing is secure by pulling on copper tubing,,
Brass nut
Brass sleeve
_ Water valve inlet connection
,Create service loop using extreme care to avoid kinks, Secure copper tubing to refrigerator cabinet with "P" clamp.
,Turn on water supply to refrigerator and check for leaks. Correct any leaks_
4.Push refrigerator into opening. Recheck for leaks after 24 hours.