8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
Press the MENU button to select the Steam function. The digital display will show a flashing 0:05 to represent 5 minutes of steam time.
Use the UP + or DOWN - buttons to set the time. These buttons will
adjust steam time by 1 minute, up to 60 minutes.
Once the needed time is selected, the rice cooker will beep to indicate it is setting at the displayed time.
The steam indicator light will illuminate to indicate it has begun steaming.
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
Once the water reaches a boil, the | Once the selected time has passed, | Check steamed food for doneness. | When finished steaming, turn the |
digital display will countdown in one | the rice cooker will beep and switch | If finished steaming, use a hot | rice cooker off by pressing the |
minute increments from the selected | to | pad or oven mitt and remove food | POWER/KEEP WARM button twice |
time. |
| immediately to avoid overcooking. | and unplug the power cord. |