Sears 580.76101 Do Notsprayflammableliquids, DoNotby-passanysafetydeviceonthis machine

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Somechemicalsordetergentsmaybe harmfulif inhaledor ingested,causingseverenausea, faintingor poisoningTheharmfulelementsmay. causepropertydamageorsevereinjury.

Do NotallowCHILDRENtooperatethepressure washerat anytime.

Operateengineonlyatgovernedspeed.Running theengineatexcessivespeedsincreasesthe hazardof personalinjury.DoNottamperwithparts whichmayincreaseordecreasethegoverned speed.

Do Notwearlooseclothing,jewelryoranything thatmaybecaughtin thestarterorotherrotating parts.

Beforestartingthepressurewasherincold weather,checkall partsoftheequipmentandbe sureicehasnotformedthere.See"Storage"on page13forcoldweatherprotection.

Neverusea spraygunwhichdoesnothavea triggerlockortriggerguardin placeandinworking order.

Keepthehoseconnectedto machineorthespray gunwhilethesystemispressurizedDisconnecting. thehosewhiletheunitispressurizedisdangerous.

Neveroperateunitswithbrokenor missingparts, orwithoutprotectivehousingorcovers.

Checkthefuelsystemforleaksorsignsof deterioration,suchaschafedorspongyhose, looseormissingclamps,ordamagedtankorcap. Correctalldefectsbeforeoperatingthepressure washer.

Do Notsprayflammableliquids.

Usea respiratorormaskwheneverthereisa chancethatvaporsmaybeinhaledReadall. instructionswithmasksoyouarecertainthemask willprovidethenecessaryprotectionagainst inhalingharmfulvapors.

Neveraimthespraygunat people,animalsor plants.Thehighpressurestreamofwaterthatthis equipmentproducescanpierceskinandits underlyingtissues,leadingto seriousinjuryand possibleamputation.

Neverallowanypartofthebodytocomein contactwiththefluidstreamDo. Notcomein contactwithafluidstreamcreatedbyaleakinthe highpressurehose.

Alwaysweareyeprotectionwhenyouusethis equipmentorwhenyouareinthevicinitywhere theequipmentisin use.

Highpressurespraycancausepaintchipsorother particlesto becomeairborne.

DoNotoperatethepressurewasherabovethe ratedpressure.

Nevermovethemachinebypullingonthehigh pressurehose.Usethehandleprovidedonthe unit.





Highpressurespraymaydamagefragileitems includingglass.DoNotpointspraygunat glass wheninthejetspraymode.

Holdthespraygunfirmlyinyourhandbeforeyou starttheunit.Failureto dosocouldresultinan

injuryfromawhippingspraygun.Do Notleavethe spraygununattendedwhilethemachineis running.

Thecleaningareashouldhaveadequateslopes anddrainageto reducethepossibilityofafall due to slipperysurfaces.

Keepwatersprayawayfromelectricwiringorfatal electricshockmayresult.

DoNotby-passanysafetydeviceonthis machine.

Themufflerandengineheatupduringoperation andremainhotimmediatelyaftershuttingitdown. Avoidcontactwithahotmufflerorengineasyou couldbeseverelyburned.

Operateandstorethisunitona stablesurface.

Highpressurehosecandevelopleaksfromwear, kinking,abuse,etc.Watersprayingfroma leakis capableof injectingmaterialintoskin.Inspecthose eachtimebeforeusingit. Checkallhosesforcuts, leaks,abrasionsorbulgingof cover,ordamageor movementof couplingsIfanyof. theseconditions exist,replacehoseimmediatelyNeverrepairhigh. pressurehose.Replaceitwithanotherhosethat meetsmaximumpressureratingof yourunit.

Themufflerandaircleanermustbe installedandin goodconditionbeforeoperatingthepressure washer.Thesecomponentsactassparkarresters iftheenginebackfires.

IntheStateof California sparkarresterisrequired bylaw(Section4442oftheCaliforniaPublic ResourcesCode).Otherstatesmayhavesimilarlaws. Federallawsapplyonfederallands.

NOTE:Ifyouequipthemufflerwitha sparkarrester,it mustbemaintained effectiveworkingorder.You canordera sparkarresterthroughyourauthorized Searsservicedealer.

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Contents Roebuck and CO., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A HorsepowerRead this manual and follow all Safety Rules and Operating InstructionsSears, Roebuck and Co., Dept WA, Hoffman Estates, IL Limited Warranty on Companion High Pressure WasherDoNotby-passanysafetydeviceonthis machine Do NotsprayflammableliquidsOperateandstorethisunitona stablesurface Washer Carton ContentsRemove Pressure Washer From Carton Assembling Your PressureChecklist Before Starting Engine Add GasolineConnect Hose and Water Supply to Pump Know Your Pressure Washer To Start Your Pressure Washer HOW to USE Your Pressure WasherTo apply detergent, follow these steps How to Stop Your Pressure WasherHow To Use the Adjustable Nozzle Applying Detergent with the Adjustable NozzleOwners Responsibilities Pressure Washer RinsingAutomatic Cool Down System Before Each USE Product SpecificationsPressure Washer Maintenance General RecommendationsChecking Oil Level Engine MaintenanceNozzle Maintenance Ring MaintenanceCarburetor Service Air CleanerService Spark Plug Changing OilLong Term Storage After Each USEGeneral Winter StorageProtect Pump OtherChange Oil Oil Cylinder BoreCause ProblemNozzle in low pressure mode Pull nozzle backward for high pressure modeI31 PaN # Qty Description Unit m Parts ListCompanion 1,800 PSI Pressure Washer MainCompanion 1,800 PSI Pressure Washer Pump m Exploded View21 o34 Companion 1,800 PSI Pressure Washer Pump Parts List 13 G To INSTALL. see Repair 306524 c684 505 @Valve 190Description Page What is Covered What is not CoveredReparaciondedanos Operacion Garantia EspecificacionesAlmacenamiento MontajeMando ChorroRociadoantesdeponerenmarchalaunidadDeno Hacerlo,podrianocurrirlesionespotelmovimientoContenido DE LA Caja DepositadoelcombustibleyelaceiterecomendadoRetire LA Maquina Lavadora a Presion DE LA Caja Montaje DE LA Maquina Lavadora a PresionArranque DEL Motor DepositeelaceitelentamenteLimpielavarilladeExcesivamente Lista DE Revision PreviaConozca SU Maquina Lavadora DE Alta Presion Como Darle Arranque a su Mquina Lavadora a Presion Para aplicar el detergente, siga los siguientes pasos Como Detener su Mquina Lavadora a PresionComo Usar la Boquilla Ajustable Aplicacion del Detergente Usando la Boquilla AjustableResponsabilidades DEL Propietario Enjuage de la Mquina Lavadora a PresionSistema de Enfriamiento Autom&tico Alivio Tdrmico Mantenimiento DE LA Maquina Lavadora a Presion Especificaciones DEL ProductoRecomendaciones Generales Antes DE Cada USOPara retirar el aire de la bomba, siga los siguientes pasos Elimine el Aire y los Contaminantes de la BombaMantenimiento de la Boquilla Mantenimiento de los Anillos ONOTALosdosanillosoanteriorestienenuntamaSo ConectordelamangueradejardinMantenimiento DEL Motor Carburador EncuentranelfondodelabaseDespues DE Cada USO Proporcione Servicio a la BujiaProteja el Sistema de Combustible Almacenamiento Para InviernoAlmacenamiento Prolongado OtrosSolucibn ProblemaQUE no Esta Cubierto QUE Esta CubiertoServiceSideof Sears

580.76101 specifications

The Sears 580.76101 is a versatile and compact sewing machine designed for both novice and experienced seamstresses. One of its standout features is its ease of use, which makes it accessible for beginners while still offering the capabilities that seasoned users expect. The machine boasts a user-friendly interface that includes a clear and adjustable stitch selector dial, allowing users to switch between various stitch types effortlessly.

One of the key characteristics of the Sears 580.76101 is its lightweight yet durable construction, making it portable and ideal for taking to classes or sewing groups. The built-in carrying handle adds to its convenience, enabling users to transport the machine with ease. Despite its compact size, the machine does not compromise on functionality. It is equipped with a powerful motor that provides consistent stitching performance, even with thicker fabrics like denim and multiple layers.

The sewing machine supports a variety of stitching options, including straight, zigzag, and decorative stitches. This feature allows users to explore their creativity and implement unique designs in their projects. Additionally, the Sears 580.76101 includes adjustable stitch length and width settings, which enable customization according to individual preferences and project requirements.

Another notable technology integrated into the Sears 580.76101 is its automatic bobbin winding system. This innovative design simplifies the task of preparing the machine for sewing, ensuring that the bobbin is filled efficiently and smoothly. The machine also features an easy-to-thread system that minimizes frustration, with color-coded pathways guiding users through the threading process.

The sturdy presser foot allows for reliable fabric handling and can be easily changed to accommodate various sewing tasks, such as quilting or buttonholing. The adjustable presser foot pressure feature is particularly beneficial, as it ensures that the fabric is fed smoothly regardless of its thickness.

In conclusion, the Sears 580.76101 is a well-rounded sewing machine that embodies a perfect balance of user-friendly features, essential technologies, and robust characteristics. Whether you are a beginner looking to start your sewing journey or a more experienced sewer seeking a reliable machine for everyday use, the Sears 580.76101 is designed to meet a variety of sewing needs with ease and efficiency.