Multiquip LT6D operation manual Wheel Hub Adjustment, Leaf Suspension

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maintenance — TRAILERS

Wheel Hub Adjustment

Every time the wheel hub is removed and the bearings are reassembled, follow the steps below to check the wheel bearings for free running and adjust.

„„Turn the hub slowly, by hand, while tightening the spindle nut until you can no longer turn the hub by hand.

„„Loosen the spindle nut just until you are able to turn it (the spindle nut) by hand. Do not turn the hub while the spindle nut is loose.

„„Install a new cotter pin through the spindle nut and axle.

„„Check the adjustments. Both the hub and the spindle nut should be able to move freely (the spindle nut motion will be limited by the cotter pin).


NEVER crawl under the trailer unless it is on firm and level ground and resting on properly placed and secured jackstands.

The possibility exists of the trailer falling thus causing equipment damage and severe bodily harm even death!


When performing trailer inspection and maintenance activities, you must jack up the trailer using jacks and jackstands.

When jacking and using jackstands, place them so as to clear wiring, brake lines, and suspension parts (i.e., springs, torsion bars). Place jacks and jackstands inside of the perimeter strip on the supporting structure to which the axles are attached.


Improper weld repair will lead to early failure of the trailer structure and can cause serious injury or death.

DO NOT repair cracked or broken welds unless you have a certified welder perform the repair. If not, have the welds repaired by your dealer.


If the trailer is involved in an accident, have it inspected immediately by qualified personnel. In addition, the trailer should be inspected annually for signs of wear or deformations.

Leaf Suspension

The leaf suspension springs and associated components (Figure 33) should be visually inspected every 6,000 miles for signs of excessive wear, elongation of bolt holes, and loosening of fasteners. Replace all damaged parts (suspension) immediately.
















Figure 33. Leaf Suspension Components


Worn or broken suspension parts can cause loss of control, damage to equipment and severe bodily injury, even death!

Check suspension regularly.

LT6D LIGHT TOWER • operation manual — rev. #0 (07/16/13) — page 43

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Contents Model LT6D Proposition 65 warning Nhtsa Reporting Safety DefectsLT6D Light Tower Table of ContentsAddresses practices not related to personal injury Safety InformationSaFeTY messages SaFeTY sYmBOLsfirst aid kit GeneRaL saFeTY„ Always know the location of the nearest fire extinguisherLamp saFeTY Light Tower SafetyAny enclosed or narrow area EngIne saFeTY„ neveR tamper with the factory settings „ The engine of this equipmentFrom fuel vapors or if fuel is spilled on a hot engine FueL saFeTYTOWIng saFeTY „ neveR use fuel as a cleaning agentLoading and Tie-Down on Flatbed Truck TRanspORTIng saFeTY„ neveR use gas piping as an electrical ground ELeCTRICaL saFeTYPower Cord/Cable safety Grounding SafetyEnvIROnmenTaL saFeTY/DeCOmmIssIOnIng BaTTeRY saFeTYEmission Control Label EmIssIOns InFORmaTIOnLabel must remain with the engine for its entire life Lamp Footcandle Plot Lamp footcandle plotGenerator Specifications LT6D SpecificationsTrailer Specifications Engine Specifications Dimensions DimensionsReference Letter Description Dimension Metal Halide Lamps General informationPage Major Components 1 Control Panel Side ComponentsMajor Components 2 Control Panel Side Major Components Front/ Rear Page Control panel Control Panel/Ignition SwitchLED green lights when the engine is OK functioning normal Normal Operation Indicator This alarmKohler Engine Components Engine componentsEngine Oil Check InspectionEngine Servicing Light tower inspectionFuel Check Battery CheckWipe up any spilled fuel immediately Operation in Freezing Weather Cleaning the RadiatorAir Cleaner Fan Belt Tension CoolantLight Power Cable Connections SetupIndoor Installation Lamp power cable connectionsOutriggers and Support Stands Light tower groundingLight tower from rolling Mast Operation Extending the Mast Deploying the Mast Vertical PositionRotating the Mast Starting the Engine OperationTurning On the Lights VAC Gfci Receptacle Testing the 120 VAC Gfci ReceptacleApplying an External Load 120/240 VAC Twist-Lock ReceptacleFrequency MaintenanceBasic Inspection and Maintenance Inspection/MaintenanceOFF position Air CleanerClean the inside of the cover using a damp cloth General InspectionFuel Addition Service DailyCleaning the Fuel Strainer Replacing Fuel FilterFlushing Out Radiator and Changing Coolant Lamp ReplacementOil Filter Cartridge 200 Hours BeltServicingthe Mast Raise/Lower Cable System Check Cable WearReplace the pulley and the cable as needed Lower the mast to the horizontal resting position Servicingthe Mast Extension Cable SystemStorage Removal From Long Term StorageType Part Number Maintenance TrailersAdjustable Channel Trailer CouplersLeaf Suspension Wheel Hub AdjustmentTRaILeR TOWIng guIDeLInes COmmOn Causes for LOss of TRaILeRCOupLIng to THe TOW veHICLe DRIvIng COnDITIOnsTRaILeR TOWIng TIps InOpeRaBLe BRaKes, LIgHTs or mIRRORsTRaILeR vIn Tag SIDe vIeW mIRRORs ELeCTRICaL COnneCTORTOW veHICLe SuspensIOn sYsTemBaLL COupLeR SaFeTY CHaInsJaCKsTanD COupLeR TYpesLock washer and hitch frame Before coupling trailer, inspect the hitch ball for wearConnecting Trailer Lights Attaching safety ChainUncoupling the Ball Hitch Pintle Coupler and pintle Hook PInTLe COupLeRCoupling Trailer to Tow vehicle pintle Coupler Unsafe Tires, Lug nuts or WheelsBe sure lug nuts are tight before each tow Determining Load Limit of TrailerStep Tighten lug nuts before each towTIRe FunDamenTaLs Determining Load Limit of Tow vehicle stepP indicates the tire is for passenger vehicles Table a. Speed Rating Uniform Tire Quality grading standards uTQgsLetter Rating Speed Rating Replacing Worn or Damaged Tires Tire Safety TipsTable B. Tire Wear Troubleshooting Tire RepairLug nut Torque Requirements Lights and SignalsWheel Rims Wheels, Bearings and Lug nutsGenerator Troubleshooting Troubleshooting generatorSymptom Solution Engine Troubleshooting Troubleshooting enginePossible Cause Solution Symptom Possible Cause Solution Lamp Troubleshooting Troubleshooting lampsLamp starts slowly ARC does not strike Defective Lamp? When switch is first Checking voltage and ballast Turned onReplacement minimizes color differences Clean fixtureBallast Removal Lamp Troubleshooting GuideConnections StartingControl Panel Panel light/hour meter wiring diagramElectronic Components Locator To TB4-11 Wiring diagram Generator/LightsTB3 N Lights locator diagram Lights wiring diagram HERE’S HOW to GET Help