Multiquip LT6D EngIne saFeTY, „ The engine of this equipment, Any enclosed or narrow area

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Safety Information

engIne saFeTY


„The engine fuel exhaust gases contain poisonous carbon monoxide. This gas is colorless and odorless, and can cause death if inhaled.

„The engine of this equipment

requires an adequate free fl ow of cooling air. neveR operate this equipment in

any enclosed or narrow area

where free fl ow of the air is restricted. If the air fl ow is

restricted it will cause injury to people and property and serious damage to the equipment or engine.


„DO nOT place hands or fingers inside engine compartment when engine is running.

„neveR operate the engine with heat shields or

guards removed.

„ Keep fi ngers, hands hair and clothing away from all moving parts to prevent injury.

„DO nOT remove the radiator cap while the engine is hot. High pressure boiling water will gush out of the radiator and severely scald any persons in the general area of the generator.

„ DO nOT remove the coolant drain plug while the engine is hot. Hot coolant will gush out of the coolant tank and severely scald any persons in the general area of the generator.

„DO nOT remove the engine oil drain plug while the engine is hot. Hot oil will gush out of the oil tank and severely scald any persons in the general area of the generator.


„neveR touch the hot exhaust manifold,

muffl er or cylinder. Allow these parts to cool before servicing equipment.


„neveR run engine without an air fi lter or with a dirty air fi lter. Severe engine damage may occur. Service air fi lter frequently to prevent engine malfunction.

„neveR tamper with the factory settings

of the engine or engine governor. Damage to the engine or equipment can result if operating in speed ranges above the maximum allowable.

„neveR tip the engine to extreme angles during lifting as it may cause oil to gravitate into the cylinder head, making the engine start diffi cult.

„Wet stacking is a common problem with diesel engines which are operated for extended periods with light or no load applied. When a diesel engine operates without suffi cient load (less than 40% of the rated output), it will not operate at its optimum temperature. This will allow unburned fuel to accumulate in the exhaust system, which can foul the fuel injectors, engine valves and exhaust system, including turbochargers, and reduce the operating performance.

In order for a diesel engine to operate at peak effi ciency, it must be able to provide fuel and air in the proper ratio and at a high enough engine temperature for the engine to completely burn all of the fuel.

Wet stacking does not usually cause any permanent damage and can be alleviated if additional load is applied to relieve the condition. It can reduce the system performance and increase maintenance. Applying an increasing load over a period of time until the excess fuel is burned off and the system capacity is reached usually can repair the condition. This can take several hours to burn off the accumulated unburned fuel.

„State Health Safety Codes and Public Resources Codes specify that in certain locations, spark arresters must be used on internal combustion engines that use hydrocarbon fuels. A spark arrester is a device designed to prevent accidental discharge of sparks or fl ames from the engine exhaust. Spark arresters are qualifi ed and rated by the United States Forest Service for this purpose. In order to comply with local laws regarding spark arresters, consult the engine distributor or the local Health and Safety Administrator.

page 8 — LT6D LIGHT TOWER • operation manual — rev. #0 (07/16/13)

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Contents Model LT6D Proposition 65 warning Reporting Safety Defects NhtsaTable of Contents LT6D Light TowerSafety Information SaFeTY messagesSaFeTY sYmBOLs Addresses practices not related to personal injuryGeneRaL saFeTY „ Always know the location of the nearestfire extinguisher first aid kitLight Tower Safety Lamp saFeTYEngIne saFeTY „ neveR tamper with the factory settings„ The engine of this equipment Any enclosed or narrow areaFueL saFeTY TOWIng saFeTY„ neveR use fuel as a cleaning agent From fuel vapors or if fuel is spilled on a hot engineTRanspORTIng saFeTY Loading and Tie-Down on Flatbed TruckELeCTRICaL saFeTY Power Cord/Cable safetyGrounding Safety „ neveR use gas piping as an electrical groundBaTTeRY saFeTY EnvIROnmenTaL saFeTY/DeCOmmIssIOnIngLabel must remain with the engine for its entire life EmIssIOns InFORmaTIOnEmission Control Label Lamp footcandle plot Lamp Footcandle PlotTrailer Specifications LT6D SpecificationsGenerator Specifications Engine Specifications Reference Letter Description Dimension DimensionsDimensions General information Metal Halide LampsPage Components Major Components 1 Control Panel SideMajor Components 2 Control Panel Side Major Components Front/ Rear Page Control Panel/Ignition Switch Control panelNormal Operation Indicator This alarm LED green lights when the engine is OK functioning normalEngine components Kohler Engine ComponentsInspection Engine ServicingLight tower inspection Engine Oil CheckWipe up any spilled fuel immediately Battery CheckFuel Check Cleaning the Radiator Air Cleaner Fan Belt TensionCoolant Operation in Freezing WeatherSetup Indoor InstallationLamp power cable connections Light Power Cable ConnectionsLight tower from rolling Light tower groundingOutriggers and Support Stands Mast Operation Rotating the Mast Deploying the Mast Vertical PositionExtending the Mast Turning On the Lights OperationStarting the Engine Testing the 120 VAC Gfci Receptacle Applying an External Load120/240 VAC Twist-Lock Receptacle VAC Gfci ReceptacleMaintenance Basic Inspection and MaintenanceInspection/Maintenance FrequencyAir Cleaner Clean the inside of the cover using a damp clothGeneral Inspection OFF positionService Daily Cleaning the Fuel StrainerReplacing Fuel Filter Fuel AdditionLamp Replacement Oil Filter Cartridge 200 HoursBelt Flushing Out Radiator and Changing CoolantReplace the pulley and the cable as needed Check Cable WearServicingthe Mast Raise/Lower Cable System Servicingthe Mast Extension Cable System StorageRemoval From Long Term Storage Lower the mast to the horizontal resting positionMaintenance Trailers Adjustable ChannelTrailer Couplers Type Part NumberWheel Hub Adjustment Leaf SuspensionCOmmOn Causes for LOss of TRaILeR TRaILeR TOWIng guIDeLInesDRIvIng COnDITIOns COupLIng to THe TOW veHICLeTRaILeR vIn Tag InOpeRaBLe BRaKes, LIgHTs or mIRRORsTRaILeR TOWIng TIps ELeCTRICaL COnneCTOR TOW veHICLeSuspensIOn sYsTem SIDe vIeW mIRRORsSaFeTY CHaIns JaCKsTanDCOupLeR TYpes BaLL COupLeRBefore coupling trailer, inspect the hitch ball for wear Lock washer and hitch frameUncoupling the Ball Hitch Attaching safety ChainConnecting Trailer Lights PInTLe COupLeR Pintle Coupler and pintle HookUnsafe Tires, Lug nuts or Wheels Coupling Trailer to Tow vehicle pintle CouplerDetermining Load Limit of Trailer StepTighten lug nuts before each tow Be sure lug nuts are tight before each towP indicates the tire is for passenger vehicles Determining Load Limit of Tow vehicle stepTIRe FunDamenTaLs Letter Rating Speed Rating Uniform Tire Quality grading standards uTQgsTable a. Speed Rating Tire Safety Tips Table B. Tire Wear TroubleshootingTire Repair Replacing Worn or Damaged TiresLights and Signals Wheel RimsWheels, Bearings and Lug nuts Lug nut Torque RequirementsSymptom Solution Troubleshooting generatorGenerator Troubleshooting Possible Cause Solution Troubleshooting engineEngine Troubleshooting Symptom Possible Cause Solution Troubleshooting lamps Lamp TroubleshootingWhen switch is first Checking voltage and ballast Turned on Replacement minimizes color differencesClean fixture Lamp starts slowly ARC does not strike Defective Lamp?Lamp Troubleshooting Guide ConnectionsStarting Ballast RemovalPanel light/hour meter wiring diagram Control PanelElectronic Components Locator Wiring diagram Generator/Lights To TB4-11TB3 N Lights locator diagram Lights wiring diagram HERE’S HOW to GET Help