Kohler 116347-2 manual Lets GET Started

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If you￿re like most people who install a Kohler Custom BodySpa￿ you can￿t wait to get in and try it o soon find that the BodySpa features and controls are very easy to use￿ and offer you a safe and excitin personal care adventure￿ There are a few things you should know before you start using your new Cust BodySpa￿ Please spend a few minutes with these simple rules￿ and then you￿ll be ready to go￿

SRemove all loose bathing items￿ such as soap bars￿ shampoo bottles￿ and washcloths from the BodySpa room￿ Make sure nothing is resting on the Waterfall ledge￿

SRemove your eyeglasses or contact lenses￿ and any loose jewelry before entering the BodySpa room￿

SDon￿t use shampoo￿ soap￿ or bubble bath in the BodySpa water￿ Of course￿ you can freely use shampoo and soap for showering before you fill the footbath basin￿

SUse the bath fill spout to fill the footbath basin with tempered water to a level at least 3<inches above the top of the suction cover￿

SClose the door enclosure securely￿

SAlways stand clear of the water stream when you turn on the BodySpa￿ or whenever you use the keypad control to adjust the water flow￿ You should also step into the Water<Free Zone anytime you want to take a short break from the invigorating effects of your hydro<massage experience￿

SUse your hand to check the water temperature in the footbath basin before you start up your Custom BodySpa￿ Never fill the footbath with water that is too hot ￿in excess of_ 104F￿￿

SPress thePower key to turn on the BodySpa￿

SWhen you turn on the BodySpa￿ it will take several seconds for the water to begin flowing￿ Let the water flow for several seconds before you enter the water stream so the water temperature has a chance to moderate￿

SWhen you turn on the BodySpa￿ the water will start to flow at its lowest setting￿ We suggest you increase the water force gradually until you get used to the intensity of the BodySpa experience￿ PressY theor

B key on the keypad control to increase or decrease the water flow￿

SThe Waterfall will automatically start when you turn on the BodySpa￿ When you pressBodythe

Jets key￿ water will begin flowing from Body Jet arrays 2￿ 3￿ and 4 at low speed￿ The Waterfall will turn off￿ Toggle any of the number keys to turn on or off the corresponding Body Jet arrays￿

SThe BodySpa will automatically shut off after about 20 minutes of continuous use￿ If you want to use your BodySpa for more than one 20<minute cycle￿ simply step into the Water<Free Zone and restart the action by pressing Powerthe key￿

SIf you feel faint￿ dizzy￿ or lightheaded at any time while using your BodySpa￿ immediately step into the Water<Free Zone￿ turn off the unit by pressing the Power key￿ and exit the room immediately￿

SPress thePower key a second time to turn off the BodySpa￿

11￿347<2<AA ￿A￿


Kohler Co￿￿ Kohler￿ WI

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Contents EI IE Room Size Provide Sufficient AccessDesign Guide Tower and SystemPump BOX WATER%FREE ZoneSuction Assembly Wiring ConnectionsEsin UIE Rain LoationWaterproofin Material Keypad Control Location Cement BoardWATER*RESISTANT Wall Material Finished Wall MaterialFootbath Basin Project Requirement Summary Primary Heat SourceAuxiliary Heat Sources Faucets and FittingsCustom Bodyspa Installation Instructions InstallationEetri Requireets FeturesIallai Install Tower Mounting Frame Install Pump BOXPlumbing Preparation Install the Variable Flow Valve Assembly Install the Suction Bracket Make Electrical Connections Solvent Weld TubingInstall Cable Without Outlet BOX Install Cable with Outlet BOXInstall Suction Bushing Install Waterproofing Membrane or CompoundInstall Cement Board Install WATER0RESISTANT Wall MaterialConstruct Footbath Basin Strut Fiise SI, WS, EII IA E D ECE DAIInstall the Tower Install the Keypad Water Test the System CLEAN/UP After InstallationSymptoms Probable Causes Corrective Action TroubleshootingCustom Bodyspa Users Information Users InformationInformation UsersLets GET Started Care and Cleaning of Your Custom Bodyspa Service and Warranty Information Page Publication No AA2 a E 1999 Kohler Co., Kohler, WI