Kohler 116347-2 manual Strut Fiise SI, WS, EII

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￿￿￿STRU￿T FI￿IS￿E￿ ￿￿SI￿, W￿￿￿S, ￿￿￿ ￿EI￿I￿￿

￿￿TE: Refer to the Design Guide section of this manual for finished basin and wall material recommendations and information.

Install the finished basin, walls, and ceiling materials according to established installation methods. For the suction assembly and K6717￿ Drain, the wall must be 3/4 to 163/46inches thick. The total thickness of the basin (basin material and finished floor material combined) must not exceed 161/46inches at the drain for the K6717￿ Drain. Refer to the installation instructions packed with the drain for specific details.

Cut or drill holes for the tower, keypad, water supplies, suction, drain and drain overflow, as well as any light fixtures or other accessories.




d￿ath or s￿rious

injury. Gaps between



cover and

the finished




a serious

hair entrapment hazard. The finished basin material must be constructed so the suction cover installs against a flat, smooth surface. Carefully repair or seal all gaps.

Finish the basin wall surface so it is perfectly flat and smooth within the 56inch diameter area around the suction hole.

I￿ST￿￿￿ SU￿TI￿￿ ￿SSE￿￿￿Y

Apply a thin bead of clear, high6quality silicone sealant around the flange rim and on the threads, and insert the flange into the bushing. Securely thread the flange to the bushing.

Remove any excess sealant.

Install the suction cover and metal spacer (if included) to the flange with the suction cover screw. Use a screwdriver to tighten the suction cover screw until snug￿o. not ov￿rtight￿nIn. addition, make sure all the suction cover holes are clear and unobstructed to maximize performance. Press the plug button in place over the screw head.

Permanently secure the suction bracket and pump box to the wall and floor, if desired.

Allow the sealant to fully cure.

116347626￿￿ (A)


Kohler Co., Kohler, WI

Image 19
Contents EI IE Room Size Provide Sufficient AccessDesign Guide Tower and SystemPump BOX WATER%FREE ZoneSuction Assembly Wiring ConnectionsRain Loation Esin UIEWaterproofin Material Keypad Control Location Cement BoardWATER*RESISTANT Wall Material Finished Wall MaterialFootbath Basin Project Requirement Summary Primary Heat SourceAuxiliary Heat Sources Faucets and FittingsCustom Bodyspa Installation Instructions InstallationEetri Requireets FeturesIallai Install Pump BOX Install Tower Mounting FramePlumbing Preparation Install the Variable Flow Valve Assembly Install the Suction Bracket Make Electrical Connections Solvent Weld TubingInstall Cable Without Outlet BOX Install Cable with Outlet BOXInstall Suction Bushing Install Waterproofing Membrane or CompoundInstall WATER0RESISTANT Wall Material Install Cement BoardConstruct Footbath Basin Strut Fiise SI, WS, EII IA E D ECE DAIInstall the Tower Install the Keypad Water Test the System CLEAN/UP After InstallationSymptoms Probable Causes Corrective Action TroubleshootingCustom Bodyspa Users Information Users InformationInformation UsersLets GET Started Care and Cleaning of Your Custom Bodyspa Service and Warranty Information Page Publication No AA2 a E 1999 Kohler Co., Kohler, WI