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Canon 08011-41-UD2-003 manual 78

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Search Root:

Depending on your environment, you must enter the Base


DN (Distinguished Name) of the location of the user




If the directory server is authenticating against Active


Directory and the domain is, for example, us.canon.com,


then the search root is dc=us, dc=canon, dc=com.

LDAP Match

Enter the LDAP Match Attribute to be used for e-mail


address retrieval. If the [Retrieve Home Directory (Active


Directory only] check box is selected under <Scan to


Home Directory Settings>, the value entered here is also


used for Home Directory retrieval.


An example for Active Directory is ‘sAMAccountName’


or ‘userPrincipalName’.

LDAP Email

Enter the e-mail LDAP attribute to pull the user’s e-mail




An example for Active Directory is ‘mail’.


Select [10], [25], [50], [75], or [100] from the drop-down

Search Results:

list for the maximum number of search results that you


want displayed on the ADDRESS BOOK screen of the


machine. The default setting is ‘25’.


Authorized Send Installation and Configuration Guide for imageRUNNER Machines


