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Canon 08011-41-UD2-003 manual 98

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3. Specify the General Settings click [Save].

General Settings

Fax Recipient Template: Enter the appropriate template configuration.

For example, if you enter

${FAXNUMBER}@faxserver.company.com as the string, and the fax number entered by the user (for example, ‘1234567’) when sending from the Scan to Fax screen, Authorized Send sends an e-mail message to the SMTP server with “1234567@faxserver.company.com” in the “To:” text box.


Clicking [Append] appends a dynamic variable (set in the


Append drop-down list) to the string in the Fax Recipient


Template. This is unnecessary if the string is entered


manually in the [Fax Recipient Template] text box.

Append drop-down:

Selecting [Fax Number] in conjunction with pressing


[Append] adds the fax number variable


‘${FAXNUMBER}’ to the string in the [Fax Recipient


Template] text box.


Authorized Send Installation and Configuration Guide for imageRUNNER Machines


