Dolby volume
Dolby Volume is a sophisticated new
technology that resolves the problem of different volume levels between programme content (e.g. a TV show and advert breaks) and between sources (e.g. a rock radio station and DVD, or between two TV stations). It lets the listener enjoy everything at the same preferred listening level without having to reach for the volume control to compensate for the different recording/output levels. This is the Volume Leveller function of Dolby Volume.
Dolby Volume also works in conjunction with the AVR360 volume control setting to compensate for the ear’s changing sensitivity at different frequencies depending on how loud the audio is. It is based on a model of how human hearing works. It properly balances low, mid and high frequencies to maintain all the nuances and impact of the original audio regardless of the actual selected playback volume level. This is the Volume Modeller function of Dolby Volume.
Dolby Volume measures, analyses and maintains volume levels based on how people perceive sound. A variety of audio parameters are monitored including spectral- and
Dolby Volume also lets the listener control a programme’s dynamic range – the range between loud and quiet sounds. For example, with the volume turned down for
Dolby Volume can be applied to any analogue or digital stereo source or any digital
Dolby Volume can be enabled and configured separately for each audio input in the Input Config menu. The default is ‘Off’ for ‘audiophile’ listening. You may wish to turn Dolby Volume ‘On’ for TV and movie sources to maintain the same perceived overall listening level
between sources and frequency response regardless of the volume setting. Most of the controlling parameters of Dolby Volume are automatic as they are dependent on analysis of the audio signal and the volume setting of the AVR360. However, the Volume Leveller and Calibration Offset controls (see below) can be adjusted to your preference.
Volume Leveller
The Volume Leveller function of Dolby Volume controls how closely quiet and loud sources and programme content are matched to each other, based on the
ear’s perception of loudness. The range of values is 0 (minimal levelling) to 10 (maximum levelling). The default setting is 2. If the Volume Leveller function is turned off, no level matching between sources and programme material is performed. This is not the same as turning Dolby Volume off as volume related frequency response processing is still active.
When Dolby Volume is being applied to the current input, a Dolby Volume processing mode indicator is shown on the OSD and the front panel display.
Calibration Offset
The Calibration Offset parameter of Dolby Volume allows you to compensate for speaker efficiencies and listening position – effectively moving the reference listening level up or down the volume scale. The default value is 0 and this should normally produce a good result when the AVR360 speaker levels are set using
a sound pressure level meter at the listening position (75dB SPL, ‘C’ weighting, slow response).