How to Use
This Guide This guide is organized by types of tasks you may need to perform on the

Switch 2200. The parts of the guide are described in Table 1.

Table 1 Description of Guide Parts
Part Contents
I: Introduction Introducing Switch 2200 administration
Learning about the various system configurations and the
quick commands to perform them
Learning about password access to the Console
Learning about the Administration Console menu structure
and maneuvering within the Console (using commands and
moving between menus)
Setting interface parameters (screen height and control keys)
Running scripts of Console tasks
Getting help
II: System-Level
Functions Setting up the system for management access (through serial
ports or using IP and setting up SNMP)
Configuring SNMP community strings
Setting up trap reporting
Configuring system parameters, such as name, date/time,
and passwords
Baselining statistics
Saving, restoring, and resetting nonvolatile data
III: Ethernet and FDDI
Parameters Displaying statistics for and labeling Ethernet ports
Displaying statistics for and configuring various parameters
for FDDI stations, ports, MACs, and paths
Setting up the system to monitor Ethernet port activity
using roving analysis