path cost
defined 11-9
setting 11-9
path. See FDDI path and backplane paths
PHYand FDDI ports 8-19
IP station 3-12
and FDDI ports 8-19
portSee also FDDI port
bridging priority 11-10
for analyzer 9-3
including in IP interface 3-4
label 8-20
maximum number in group 13-7
path cost 11-9
speed, setting 3-2
state, setting 7-8
types 8-19
port group
adding ports 13-7 to 13-9
as filtering criteria 13-1
copying 13-7
creating 13-4
deleting 13-6
displaying contents 13-3
listing 13-2
removing ports 13-9
used in packet filter 13-2
power supply warning 4-2
probe. See roving analysis and analyzer
pushDAGM opcode 13-1, A-3
pushDPGM opcode 13-1, A-4
pushField. opcode A-2
pushLiteral. opcode A-2
pushSAGM opcode 13-1, A-3
pushSPGM opcode 13-1, A-4
pushTop opcode A-3
read access example 2-3
enabling CTL+X 2-11
resetting the system 4-4
reboot system 2-11
receive all
packet processing path 12-1
receive multicast
packet processing path 12-1
reject opcode 12-8, A-8
remote sessions
enabling timeout 2-12
setting timeout interval 2-13
restart, Administration Console 2-11
returning products for repair B-4
RIP and broadcast address 3-4
default mode 3-12
displaying state 3-4
Off mode 3-12
Passive mode 3-12
setting mode 3-12
and exiting the Console 2-17
and rebooting the system 4-4
See also routing table
default 3-8
defining static 3-9
destination IP address 3-7
flushing learned routes 3-10
gateway IP address 3-8
metric 3-7
removing default 3-10
removing from table 3-9, 3-10
status 3-8
subnet mask 3-7
Routing Information Protocol. See RIP
routing table
contents 3-7
default route, setting 3-10
display routes 3-8
flushing learned routes 3-10
removing default route 3-10
removing route 3-10
removing routes 3-9
roving analysis
adding analyzer port 9-3
and Spanning Tree 9-4
configuration rules 9-2
configuration, displaying 9-2, 9-3
configuring 9-2
defined 9-1
menu 2-7
process overview 9-1
removing analyzer port 9-4
starting port monitoring 9-5
stopping port monitoring 9-6