Opcodes A-5
ne (not equal)
Pops two values from the stack and compares them. If they are not equal, a byte
containing the value non-zero is pushed onto the stack; otherwise, a byte
containing 0 is pushed. The size of the operands is determined by the contents
of the stack.
Storage Needed:
1 byte
lt (less than)
Pops two values from the stack and performs an unsigned comparison. If the first
is less than the second, a byte containing the value non-zero is pushed onto the
stack; otherwise, a byte containing 0 is pushed. The size of the operands is
determined by the contents of the stack.
Storage Needed:
1 byte
le (less than or equal to)
Pops two values from the stack and performs an unsigned comparison. If the first
is less than or equal to the second, a byte containing the value non-zero is
pushed onto the stack; otherwise, a byte containing 0 is pushed. The size of the
operands is determined by the contents of the stack.
Storage Needed:
1 byte