Help for the Configuration
■Provides network diagnostic tools, such as Tracert and Ping, to quickly diagnose the availability of the network.
■Provides detailed debugging information to diagnose network faults.
■The command line interpreter adopts fuzzy search for the keywords of the command. A
To facilitate the management of the router in the system view, all the commands are grouped. Each group corresponds to a view. Users can use these commands to switch between different views. Many commands are limited to use in a single view. Other commands (such as ping, display
Router 5000 routers provide online Help for the command line interface:
■In any view, enter ? for all the commands in the view and a brief description of each command.
■Enter a command, followed by a space and ?, in the keyword position for a list of all keywords and a brief description of each one.
■Enter a command, followed by a space and ?, in the argument position for a description of related arguments.
■Enter a character string, followed by a space and ?, for a list of all commands that begin with the character string.
■Enter a command, followed by a character string and ?, for a list of all keywords that begin with the string.