...selecting operating system partition
The currently active OS is 'B', OS version 3.3.1 Selecting OS installation 'A', OS version 4.4.0 Configuring GRUB boot loader...Done.
Version switch complete. Rebooting to start new version.
Broadcast message from root (pts/0) (Tue Dec 20 11:21:43 2005):
The system is going down for reboot NOW!
| End of |
| If upgrading from release 2.0 to release 3.0, you will be required to add |
| new activation keys (license keys). |
Managing the | If you have purchased new applications, or need to increase the number |
Activation Keys | of users on your system, then you may need to upgrade your activation |
| keys (license keys). Each system has a unique system host ID that is used |
| in the generation of activation keys. |
| Before upgrading the activation keys, first ensure that the VCX Linux |
| operating system and the 3Com IP Conferencing Module software is |
| installed. Then do the following: |
| 1 Using a browser, log in to the 3Com IP Conferencing Module as root. |
| 2 Select Admin > System Config from the menu bar. |
| 3 From quick links, select Licensing Information. |
| The License Information screen appears, listing the system’s activation |
| keys and host ID. |
| Figure 2 License Information |
4To delete an activation key, press .
5To add an activation key: