Post Installation Configuration | 35 |
Different conference types may require different routes. For example, if users dial the prefix 76 to call Ad Hoc conferences and 74 to call other conferences, then one route is required for dial pattern 76 and another is required for dial pattern 74.
3Program the Conference Attendant extension number. For example, to program extension 7501, enter:
Command | ID | Entry | Digit | Min | Max | Class | Priority | Route |
TableEntry Create | 1 | 33 | 7501 | 4 | 4 | Internal | 0 | 8 |
4Program a route for conferences. For example:
Command | Route | Description |
DestinationRoute Create | 8 | Conferences |
5Program a destination route entry for the NBX extension of the 3Com IP Conferencing Module. For example:
Command | Route | Entry | DestinationExtension |
DestinationRouteEntry Create | 8 | 1 | 7500 |
Add Trusted SIP Trusted SIP Interfaces may be SIP gateways, other NBX systems, 3Com Interfaces VCX telephone systems, Call Processors, or other trusted interfaces. Each
interface you add and how you configure it affects your device licensing. Each audio path trusted end point requires one system device license.
You do not add telephones as trusted interfaces. For information about how to add 3Com telephones and generic SIP telephones to the NBX SIP mode system, see the NBX Administrator’s Guide.
To add or modify a trusted SIP interface:
1See the NBX Administrator’s Guide for more information about the details in these steps.
2Log in to the NBX NetSet utility using the administrator login ID and password.
3Click SIP Applications > Trusted SIP Interfaces.
4Click Add to add a new trusted interface or click an extension from the list to modify that trusted interface.
5See the online Help for detailed information about each field.