Setting Up A Port-to-Port Filter Set
Select PORT-TO-PORT from the Bridge Filters menu.
The Port-to-Port screen appears, as shown in Figure 3-5. You use
this screen for setting up a port's port-to-port filter set. The screen
displays the ports included in the filter set of the port denoted in
the SET PORT SYMBOLIC NAME field. Simply alter this field to
work on a different port's filter set. There are four port-to-port
filter sets, one for each port.
Remember that port-to-port filter sets are reciprocal. This means
that any changes made to a port's filter set will be mirrored by the
other ports' filter sets. For example, if you include port's 2 and E
in port 1's filter set, port 2's filter set will change to include port
1, and port E's filter set will also change to include port 1.
Figure 3-5 Port-to-Port
Set Port Symbolic Name: Text Field. Enter the name of the port
who's filter set you want to set up. Use 1, 2, 3 or E. Press [Return]
to accept the port name.